Princeton University

Princeton Weekly Bulletin   December 5, 2005, Vol. 95, No. 11   search   prev   next

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Page One
Center to address societal issues driven by technology
Nomadic historian inspires passion for Africa

New building embraces neighborhood plan, engineering vision
Scholar conveys complex ideas clearly — in 10 languages
Clothing drive, other community service activities planned

Wildberg selected as master of Forbes
Aspiring novelist wins Rhodes Scholarship
People, spotlight, appointment

Nassau Notes
Calendar of events
By the numbers



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Center to address societal issues driven by technology

Forging ties between technologists and public policy experts, Princeton is creating a research center to address societal issues, such as privacy and security, that arise from advances in computer technology.

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Nomadic historian inspires passion for Africa

Operating in some of the most remote lands in southern Africa, historian Emmanuel Kreike collects life stories of people ravaged by war and environmental hardship. Despite what he has seen, he emphatically declares: “I’m an Afro-optimist.”

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Wildberg selected as master of Forbes

Christian Wildberg, professor of classics, has been named master of Forbes College, effective July 1, 2006. A Princeton faculty member since 1996, he will succeed Elizabeth Lunbeck, who is joining the faculty at Vanderbilt University.

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Clothing drive, other community service activities planned

Members of the University community will have the opportunity to share some holiday spirit through a clothing drive and several other community service initiatives being coordinated through the Office of Community and State Affairs.

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New building embraces neighborhood plan, engineering vision

The University has selected the award-winning architecture firm of Frederick Fisher and Partners to design a new building for the School of Engineering and Applied Science’s Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering.

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Aspiring novelist wins Rhodes Scholarship

Jeffrey Miller, a Princeton senior who aspires to become a novelist and English professor, has been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship for graduate study at the University of Oxford in England.

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Scholar conveys complex ideas clearly — in 10 languages

One afternoon, on a whim, an ambitious junior named Cara Sheffler sent an e-mail message to a professor she had never met, Daniel Heller-Roazen of the Department of Comparative Literature. The note explained that she was eager to learn Old Provençal, a language spoken in Europe in the 12th century by a band of traveling poets known as the troubadours. Would he teach it to her?

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