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Board approves 15 promotions

Princeton NJ -- The Board of Trustees has approved the promotions of 15 faculty members. The faculty members and their departments, by the academic rank to which they are being promoted, are:

ProfessorDaniel Heller-Roazen, comparative literature; Jaswinder Singh, computer science. Both are effective July 1, 2005.

Associate professorGary Bass, politics and international affairs; Michael Berry, molecular biology; Hans Halvorson, philosophy; Jeremy Kasdin, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Sabine Kastner, psychology; Emmanuel Kreike, history; Simon Morrison, music; Satish Myneni, geosciences. All, with continuing tenure, are effective July 1, 2005.

Assistant professorMaria Chudnovsky, Samuel Grushevsky, Natasa Pavlovic, Jacob Rasmussen and Weiqing Ren, all mathematics and all for a term of three years, effective July 1, 2005.
