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Faculty appointments

New additions bring new opportunities

Princeton NJ -- Recent faculty appointments in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs provide the University with many opportunities to extend its global scope, according to Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter. Here is background on five key appointees:

Thomas Christensen is an expert in Chinese foreign policy and international security, topics that Slaughter says will “define the global security landscape in the coming decades.” A professor of politics and international affairs, Christensen came to Princeton from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he taught in the political science department for five years. Prior to that, he was on the faculty at Cornell University.

John Ikenberry, a scholar of international relations theory, American foreign policy and international political economy, is the Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs. He came to Princeton from Georgetown University, where he was the Peter F. Krogh Professor of Geopolitics and Global Justice. Slaughter said that Ikenberry “tackles the biggest questions the United States and the world face today, in the deep sense of how the U.S. can safeguard and promote its interests without causing other nations to fear and resent it in ways that are detrimental to this country and to the world order generally.”

• In February, Robert Keohane will become professor of international affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. An eminent international relations scholar, Keohane is a recipient of the prestigious Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. Previously, he was the James B. Duke Professor of Political Science at Duke University. He also has taught at Swarthmore, Stanford, Brandeis and Harvard. According to Slaughter, Keohane “has trained virtually every top international relations mid-career scholar currently working across the country, with a particular focus on mentoring women.”

Helen Milner joined the faculty this year as the B.C. Forbes Professor of Politics and International Affairs. Previously, she taught at Columbia University from 1986 to 2004. A scholar of international trade and globalization, Milner will be the director of the Center for Globalization and Governance to be established at Princeton this academic year. Slaughter said that Milner “takes on specific questions of trade and international political economy and connects them to the large issues of the impact of globalization on developed and developing countries.”

Jennifer Widner, whose research interests include development policy, rule of law, democratization and African politics, came to Princeton from the University of Michigan, where she taught in the political science department for seven years. A professor of politics and international affairs, she also has taught at Harvard and Duke universities. According to Slaughter, Widner “takes her specific knowledge of Africa and links it to the larger issues of building the rule of law and reconstructing failed or post-conflict states.”

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