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By the numbers

Task Force on Health and Well-Being

The report of the University's Task Force on Health and Well-Being issued Nov. 9 (see story on page 1) recommends the addition of 11 full-time-equivalent staff positions in University Health Services to provide critical services and programs to students.

The reports cites ''the significant, growing and too-often unmet demands on University Health Services for medical and counseling services, particularly in the areas of mental health and urgent outpatient and inpatient medical care.''

Statistics -- which are consistent with national trends -- contained in the report indicate that:

• Over the past six years, the total number of patient encounters at UHS has increased by more than 42 percent, from 46,584 to 66,155.

• With respect to medical services, the number of after-hours urgent care visits last year increased by 40 percent; urgent care medical visits increased by 23 percent, outpatient medical services encounters increased by 14 percent and employee health services visits increased by 18 percent.

• With respect to mental health services, demand for higher acuity services increased over the previous year, with 18 off-campus psychiatric hospitalizations for serious depression and suicidality, psychotic episodes and severe eating disorders. On-campus psychology counseling sessions increased last year by 6 percent following a 17 percent increase the previous year, and inpatient admissions at UHS for depression, anxiety, fatigue and psychotic episodes increased by 39 percent, following an increase of 111 percent in 2002-03.
