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B Y   T H E   N U M B E R S

Staff Recognition

A total of 320 University staff members with a collective 5,930 years of service were honored for their dedication April 15 at the annual Service Recognition Luncheon (see article in this issue).

They included:

• one employee with 45 years of service.

• two employees with 40 years of service.

• 11 employees with 35 years of service.

• 24 employees with 30 years of service.

• 55 employees with 25 years of service.

• 61 employees with 20 years of service.

• 89 employees with 15 years of service.

• 77 employees with 10 years of service.

All employees received certificates of recognition embossed with a copper-engraved shield and banner. Those with 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years also received gifts ranging from watches with the design of the University shield on the dial to gold pins of the University seal to chairs bearing a copy of the University seal.

