B Y   T H E   N U M B E R S

University library system

Since its founding more than 250 years ago, the library system at Princeton has grown from a collection of 474 volumes in one room of Nassau Hall to holdings in 15 buildings throughout the campus. The libraries include:

• Architecture Library
• Art and Archaeology Library (Marquand Library)
• Astrophysics Library
• Biology Library (Fine Hall Library)
• Chemistry Library
• Cotsen Children's Library
• East Asian Library
• Engineering Library
• Fine Annex Library
• Firestone Library
• Forrestal Annex Library
• Geosciences and Map Library
• Harold P. Furth Plasma Physics Library
• Mathematics and Physics Library (Fine Hall Library)
• Mendel Music Library
• Mudd Manuscript Library
• Psychology Library
• Scheide Library
• Stokes Library (Public and International Affairs and Population Research)

The combined collections total more than 6 million printed works, 5 million manuscripts and 2 million nonprint items, and increase at the rate of about 10,000 volumes a month.

Source: Princeton University Library Web site [libweb.princeton.edu].


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