
Name: Susan Pierson.

Position: Assistant director of residential dining. Supervising the dining staffs of the residential colleges, the bake shop and the Center for Jewish Life, as well as the executive chef. Acting as the registered dietician for the department. Meeting with students who have dietary concerns such as allergies.

Quote: "I coordinate meals for Reunions -- we served 20,027 meals last year -- and that's a lot of fun. Reunions is such an exciting time, and it's great to get to know people and see them first as students, then when they come back for Alumni Day or football games, and then at Reunions."

Other interests: Traveling with her husband Fred. Visiting her son Jeremy, who attends Johns Hopkins University, and her daughter Rebecca, who is a freshman at Duke University. Reading and doing needlepoint.



The Research and Development Council of New Jersey has given awards to President Shirley M. Tilghman and molecular biology professor Bonnie Bassler.

Tilghman received the council's Educator of the Year Award, and Bassler received the 2003 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award at the council's annual dinner Nov. 6. The council honored Tilghman for "furthering the advancement of research and development through education" and her work as co-chair of Prosperity New Jersey and the New Jersey Commission on Jobs Growth and Economic Development.

The council gave its award to Bassler in the category of medical/technology transfer for a patent titled "Compounds and Methods for Regulating Bacterial Growth and Pathogenesis." Bassler's work on the molecular mechanisms that bacteria use to communicate among one another could lead to approaches for developing antibiotic drugs. The council judged patents based on the importance of the problem they address, the novelty of the research, the utility or potential social impact of the invention and the prospects for commercialization.


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