Shirley M. Tilghman installed as
University's 19th president

Princeton NJ -- The installation celebration for President Tilghman began with ceremonial events on the front lawn of Nassau Hall and ended with festive activities in the Weaver Track and Field Stadium.

Three former Princeton presidents attended the ceremony, (l-r) Harold T. Shapiro (18th), Tilghman, Robert F. Goheen (16th) and William G. Bowen (17th).

Platform party members (l-r) Vice Provost Joann Mitchell, Undergraduate Student Government President Joseph Kochan and Provost Amy Gutmann share a laugh during the ceremony.


The stadium was transformed for dining under the tents and dancing under the stars. The University Band escorted Tilghman to the stage at the stadium. Following the president's brief greeting, Mary Chapin Carpenter presented a concert.

B Y   T H E   N U M B E R S

• Those attending President Tilghman's installation on Sept. 28 sat on the front lawn of Nassau Hall under partly cloudy skies with temperatures in the 60s. When Harold T. Shapiro was inaugurated on Jan. 8, 1988, a storm brought six inches of snow to the campus. The ceremony took place in Richardson Auditorium.

• Former U.S. President Grover Cleveland spoke at the 1902 Princeton inauguration of Woodrow Wilson, who went on to become U.S. president in 1913. Cleveland had moved to Princeton in 1897 after his second term in office. He was elected as a University trustee in 1901 and spoke for the trustees at Wilson's inauguration.

• Aaron Burr Sr. was inaugurated at Princeton's first commencement exercises on Nov. 9, 1748, in the Newark church where he was pastor. He delivered a 45-minute oration in Latin from memory.


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