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Shapiro honored for leadership on ethical issues

Citing President Shapiro's "stellar leadership toward resolution of the most complex ethical issues, created by frontier life sciences research," the Council of Scientific Society Presidents presented him with its 2000 Leadership Citation on May 7.

The citation continued, "His courage in taking on the most contentious social and ethical issues of the 1990s raised by gene transplantation, mammalian cloning, stem cell research and others, and his keen insights, led to defining for the first time ways of resolution for disparate institutions unprepared to meet sudden and threatening challenges to their established beliefs and historical behaviors. He produced rational, calm and thoughtful responses from national and international populations that were suddenly beset with angst and fear. He turned these unexpected scientific revolutions into positive pathways across all domains of human endeavor, producing an enriched multitude of institutions and understandings."

The award was presented at the council's national meeting in Washington DC, during which Shapiro gave an address on "Resolution of Social-Ethical Issues Raised by New Bioscience."

Physics major wins Churchill Scholarship

Daniel Wesley '00 has been awarded a Churchill Scholarship for graduate work at Cambridge University, where he plans to work toward a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics next year. The award covers all tuition and fees and provides a living allowance.

The certificate program includes courses not only in math but also in theoretical physics, Wesley says. After his year in England, he plans to return to the United States to pursue a PhD in physics.

A physics major, Wesley is interested in this subject "because physics is always a challenge. It also spans a lot of different things. During my work towards a physics degree I've had to become familiar with both abstract mathematics and the milling machine in the Jadwin metal shop. On a deeper level, physics combines a certain philo-sophical flavorin the sense that you ask very deep questions about Nature with concrete, practical considerations. So you can be sure a good theory is not only an interesting idea but really represents the way the world is."

During his time at Princeton, Wesley has won two prizes in physics: the Pyka Prize and the Kusaka Prize. For two years he was an editor of the Daily Princetonian, and as a senior he was vice president of the Undergraduate Math/Physics Colloquium. He was employed by the Physics Department, where he worked on projects related to the Microwave Anisotropy Probe, and as a computer programmer for a Philadelphia health care organization.

The Churchill Scholarship Program is run by the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, which was established in 1959 "as an expression of American admiration for one of the great leaders of the free world."

More people

• The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has elected five Princeton faculty members as new fellows in 2000: Anthony Evans, Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor of Engineering; Paul Muldoon, Howard G.B. Clark '21 University Professor in the Humanities; Daniel Tsui, Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering; C.K. Williams, lecturer with rank of professor in the Council of the Humanities and Creative Writing; and Andrew Yao, William and Edna Macaleer Professor of Engineering and Applied Science.

• Four assistant professors have been named Research Fellows by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Adam Finkelstein in computer science, John Morgan in economics, Giovanni Forni in mathematics and Samuel S.H. Wang in molecular biology.
     They are among 104 outstanding young scientists and economists from 53 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada chosen to receive grants of $40,000 each for a two-year period. Once chosen, fellows are free to pursue whatever lines of inquiry are of most interest to them.

• The American Academy in Rome has awarded Assistant Professor of Music Wendy Heller a Rome Prize fellowship in post-classical humanistic and modern Italian studies. The fellowship provides a stipend and living and working acccommodations at the academy for periods of six months to two years.


