Weekly Bulletin
March 20, 2000
Vol. 89, No. 20
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Random Acts require some organization

Random Actors, including founder Danny Fahim '01 (center back), distributed hot drinks to passersby in front of the Chapel on February 24. (Photo by Denise Applewhite)


By Caroline Moseley

We can't tell you when; we can't tell you where. But sometime, some place on campus, someone will offer you a piece of chocolate or a bagel or a cup of cocoa -- free.

What's the catch, you ask? Believe it or not, there's no catch. You will be on the receiving end of a Random Act of Kindness, perpetrated by a member of the student group of the same name.

The group has no purpose other than "to spread smiles around campus," according to founder and president Danny Fahim '01.

About once a month, says publicity chair Betsy Massopust '03, members of the Random Acts group appear at various spots on campus unannounced and offer passersby a little goodie. "Nothing puts a smile on people's faces like receiving kindness for no reason," says vice president Todd Johnson '01, "especially when it takes the form of chocolate."

Selling something?

Human nature being what it is, people are occasionally suspicious. "One day people thought I was trying to sell something, because I was wearing a suit I had on for an interview," says treasurer Bryce Gama '01. For the most part, however, observes Joanna Ganson '02, "People say we brighten their day."

While the acts of kindness appear random to recipients, they are, in fact, planned by Fahim along with other officers and implemented by them and any of the 400 students on their e-mail list. Some non-random action is necessary in advance, as all the give-aways are donated. For example, Dining Services contributed the hot chocolate served one cold day in February. Einstein Bros. contributed bagels for another random act, and the Office of the Dean of Student Life contributed the accompanying cream cheese.

"We have no budget," says Fahim, "so we rely on donations. We encourage donations."

For more information, send e-mail to
