Weekly Bulletin
March 6, 2000
Vol. 89, No. 19
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Princeton, Stanford, Yale discuss distance learning

On February 29, Provost Jeremiah Ostriker wrote to the faculty concerning Princeton's plans for the development of distance learning programs. He referred to the following announcement, which Princeton has made in cooperation with Stanford and Yale universities

"Representatives of Princeton, Stanford and Yale have been meeting to discuss the growing interest in distance learning and Internet-based educational programs in the arts and sciences. Our initial discussions have focused on continuing education for our alumni. The result of these discussions may lead to pilot projects that explore these opportunities.

"The discussions have helped to shape planning on each of our campuses. More specifically, the discussions have included consideration of some form of joint effort among our institutions. As we continue to meet, we will be consulting widely with our faculty members, administrators and trustees on each campus before undertaking any collaborative projects."

Ostriker pointed out that Princeton's participation was partly in response to urging by the trustees, in conjunction with the Wythes Committee report.

"I would make two additional points," he said. "First, we are aiming towards establishment of a nonprofit consortium similar to those that now exist with our peers in areas such as cooperative library agreements or consortia working together in astronomy or high-energy physics.

"Second, our planned audience for this activity is first and foremost our own students and next our alumni, to offer them better opportunities for lifelong learning."
