Weekly Bulletin
September 13, 1999
Vol. 89, No. 1

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"They're just smarter"--Genectically altered mice
Kathryn Taylor to direct Alumni Council
Montero to become Brown vp
Princeton launches Society of Fellows
Endowed chairs named; trustees promote seven
Program promotes graduate school
Guide to Public Safety
Community Day
Campus shuttle schedule



Harry H. Eckstein, emeritus professor of politics, died in Newport Beach, Calif., on June 22. He retired from the University in 1980.

Lawrence Stone, 79, Dodge Professor of History, Emeritus, died on June 16. A social historian, he described his research interests as spanning "the turbulent centuries that carried England from the War of the Roses through the Tudor regime to the Cromwellian Revolution and beyond into the 18th century."

Born in England, Stone studied at the Charterhouse School, the Sorbonne and Christ Church, Oxford University. A lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve from 1940 to 1945, he received his BA and MA degrees from Oxford in 1946 and taught there until 1962.

A member of the Institute for Advanced Study in 1960-61, he came to Princeton as Dodge Professor in 1963. In 1968 he was named founding director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, which was established to stimulate intellectual exchange both within the History Department and between the department and visiting scholars. He transferred to emeritus status in 1990.

"When Lawrence Stone arrived in Princeton and unpacked his intellectual baggage, he released a fresh set of ideas, which are still buzzing in the air, not merely here but everywhere in the country," said colleague Robert Darnton, Davis Professor of European History.

Stone's publications include The Causes of the English Revolution, 1529-1642 (1972), The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800 (1977), An Open Elite? England, 1540-1880 (with J. C. Fawtier Stone, 1984), Uncertain Unions: Marriage in England 1660-1753 (1992) and Broken Lives: Marital Separation and Divorce in England 1660-1857 (1993). He also wrote Sculpture in Britain: The Middle Ages (1955).

A member of the American Philosophical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Stone was a corresponding fellow of the British Academy. In 1976 he was awarded Princeton's first annual Howard T. Behrman Award for distinguished achievement in the humanities. He received honorary degrees from a number of universities, including Princeton, Chicago, Edinburgh and Oxford.

Surviving are his wife Jeanne and two children, Elizabeth Zimansky and Robert Stone. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 pm, October 1, in the University Chapel.

Marianne Pasley, 50, clerical assistant in the Library, died on July 22. With the University since 1998, she is survived by her mother, Jeanne Messer.