Princeton in the News

July 15 to 21, 1999

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AP Online
Copyright 1999 Associated Press
July 21, 1999

HEADLINE: Hawking Awaits Unified Theory Proof


Stephen Hawking remains confident that physicists will prove string theory a so-called ''theory of everything'' to explain the universe but said today it might take longer than he had expected.

The world's best-known physicist, who was attending a conference on string theory, revised his prediction in the 1980s that there was a 50-50 chance the theory would be proven in 20 years.

''Although we have made great progress in the last 20 years, we don't seem much nearer to our goal,'' he said. Hawking's odds on proving the theory are the same, but he now says it could take another 20 years.

If proven, string theory would unite the two main theories of physics: Einstein's theory of general relativity and quantum theory. Scientists hope it will unlock the mysteries of black holes and the origins of the universe. ...

Einstein continued work on a unified theory later at Princeton University, but never found a solution. In fact, said Hawking, a unified theory may not have a solution that is applicable all the time. ...

Asbury Park Press (Neptune, NJ.)
Copyright 1999 Asbury Park Press, Inc.
July 21, 1999, Wednesday

HEADLINE: Matawan rebuffs design offer


MATAWAN - The Borough Council last night rejected a plan to commission Brookdale Community College architecture students to design the streetscape for downtown.

Borough officials want to create design guidelines for downtown so that property owners have a plan to follow for any building upgrades or developments, said Bob Montfort, vice chairman of the historic sites commission, an advisory arm of the Planning Board. ...

Under the rejected plan, a group of six to eight students from the two-year school would have been collectively paid up to $3,000 to create the guidelines, said Ralph Treadway, downtown coordinator. The students, supervised by a professor, would have received college credits, Treadway said.

"What we're offering here is paying the students' tuition," said Councilman Joseph R. Thompson. Instead, he said, the borough should commission students from Princeton University or New Jersey Institute of Technology - two schools with certified architectural programs. ...

The Associated Press
State & Local Wire
July 21, 1999, Wednesday

HEADLINE: Lone Star Living

HOUSTON - Retired Texas appellate Judge Herman Paul Pressler III is very comfortable being both revered and reviled.

To many Southern Baptists, Pressler is the heroic architect and leader of the "conservative resurgence" that brought the 15.7 million-member denomination to its historical, evangelical, biblical roots.

To others, he is a crafty denominational politician who launched a divisive movement that has led to Southern Baptist Convention fracturing. ...

Pressler details in his book how he became concerned about the theological direction of the convention as a 16-year-old student at prestigious Phillips Exeter Academy and later Princeton University.

The liberal biblical views of Northeastern Baptists were in stark contrast to his own views, he writes. The Bible was considered a human work and not divine revelation. Biblical miracles, the virgin birth, the resurrection were questioned if not discounted, Pressler notes. ...

The Dallas Morning News
Copyright 1999 The Dallas Morning News
July 21, 1999

HEADLINE: Ex-Scots star makes grade at Princeton;Young out to elevate play as sophomore
SOURCE: Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News
BYLINE: Matt McKay

After the type of athletic year University Park's Chris Young had last season as a Princeton freshman, he knows there will be even greater expectations in 1999-2000.

Young, a 1998 graduate of Highland Park, was a highly recruited commodity his senior year. His abilities on the basketball court helped lead the Scots to the Class 4A final that year, and his pitching was a major factor in the Highland Park baseball team's 4A state championship.

A year after taking passes in the low post at Highlander Field House and intimidating opposing high school batters with his 6-10 frame at Scotland Yard, Young found himself playing nationally televised basketball games and pitching his college team into the Ivy League championship game at Princeton.

When the Tigers' basketball season was ended by Xavier (Ohio) in the third round of the National Invitational Tournament, Young had already established himself as the top freshman player in the Ivy League and one of the best in the country. He was named second-team All-Ivy and Rookie of the Year. ...

The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL)
Copyright 1999 The Florida Times-Union
July 21, 1999 Wednesday

HEADLINE: Bradley outdraws Gore; Ex-NBA star attracts more Duval money
BYLINE: Bruce Bryant-Friedland, Times-Union staff writer

Presidential candidate Bill Bradley may trail fellow Democrat Al Gore in fund raising across the nation.

And both Democrats straggle far behind Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who has broken every record.

But on the First Coast -- to pluck a phrase from street slang -- Bradley 'got game.'

Boosted by a late May fund-raiser, the former New Jersey senator took in $151,050 from Jacksonville-area residents during the second quarter, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Meanwhile, Gore collected just $2,240 locally during the same period.

To stay in the race, Bradley needed to raise a lot of money this spring, said Steve Pajcic, a Jacksonville attorney who played basketball with the former NBA star while the two men attended Princeton University in New Jersey during the mid-1960s.

The network of Princeton alumni in the Jacksonville area has proved supportive, Pajcic said. ...

Los Angeles Times
Copyright 1999 Times Mirror Company
July 21, 1999


The signatories are announcing this appeal at a press conference today in Washington, D.C.

American parents today are deeply worried about their children's exposure to an increasingly toxic popular culture. The events in Littleton, Colo., are only the most recent reminder that something is deeply amiss in our media age. Violence and explicit sexual content in television, films, music and video games have escalated sharply in recent years. Children of all ages now are being exposed to a barrage of images and words that threaten not only to rob them of normal childhood innocence but also to distort their view of reality and even undermine their character growth. ...

Clearly, many factors are contributing to the crisis--negligent parenting, ineffective schools, family disintegration and the ready availability of firearms. But, among researchers, the proposition that entertainment violence adversely influences attitudes and behavior is no longer controversial; there is overwhelming evidence of its harmful effects. Numerous studies show that degrading images of violence and sex have a desensitizing effect. Nowhere is the threat greater than to our at-risk youth--youngsters whose disadvantaged environments make them susceptible to acting upon impulses shaped by violent and dehumanizing media imagery. ...

FREDERICK BORSCH, bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles (Princeton Trustee)

ROBERT GEORGE, professor of jurisprudence, Princeton University

The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Copyright 1999 MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
July 21, 1999, Wednesday


 JIM LEHRER: Finally tonight, the Ernest Hemingway Centennial. We begin with NewsHour Essayist Roger Rosenblatt.

ROGER ROSENBLATT: Whenever he felt the encroachment of writer's block, Ernest Hemingway explained, he would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, "Do not worry. You have always written before, and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence, and then go on from there." ...

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: For more on Hemingway, we turn to three contemporary American writers: Richard Ford, who won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel "Independence Day." He is also the author of "The Sportswriter," and a recent collection of shorter fiction, "Women with Men." Nicholas Delbanco, who has written more than 17 books, including the novels "In the Name of Mercy" and "Old Scores." He is a Professor of English at the University of Michigan. And A.J. Verdelle, author of the novel "The Good Negress," as well as a collection of nonfiction essays. She teaches creative writing at Princeton University. ...

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: A.J. Verdelle, what do you think his most positive legacy for American writing has been?

A.J. VERDELLE: Well, actually, I think that Hemingway changed American writing. I think that he lived in a time at the edge of florid 19th century, long writing. And he made it spare. He made it new. He made it vigorous. He made it fresh. And I appreciate him a great deal for that.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: And what did you learn from him? How did he influence you, if he did at all?

A.J. VERDELLE: Well, actually, his subject matter does not appeal to me or influence me greatly. I'm not a war person. I'm not a hunting person. So the text, the subtext of his stories don't thrill me. But his attention to craft and his serious acuity of vision, his attention to precision I think has taught me a great deal about writing. And I actually am influenced a lot by Stein, and Hemingway and Stein were in a very vibrant, vivacious, almost chaotic time together, along with Fitzgerald and I think that his ability to be precise and his willingness to incisor or to laser focus, which is a word that didn't even apply to his time, is what impresses me the most. This year is also the centennial of Duke Ellington, and I think that Hemingway and Stein and Duke Ellington are somewhat similar. I think that Duke Ellington changed the world of music and introduced new concepts into the world of music in much the same way that Stein and Hemingway programs together affected literature. ...

The Record (Bergen County, NJ)
Copyright 1999 Bergen Record Corp.
July 21, 1999; WEDNESDAY


Colleges can work the halls of Congress as well as any interest group.

Using their connections to the nation's elected representatives, five New Jersey institutions received $17.3 million in "academic earmarks", known less diplomatically as"academic pork." ...

Stevens Institute of Technology made out particularly well. ...

Other beneficiaries this year were Ramapo College,Rutgers University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Princeton University. ...

Copyright 1999 Gannett Company, Inc.
July 21, 1999, Wednesday

HEADLINE: Patchwork of birth control is on the way
BYLINE: Kim Painter

A birth control patch that women wear on their arms, abdomens or buttocks for a week at a time is in final testing, drugmaker Johnson & Johnson revealed Tuesday.

The patch contains the same hormones as conventional birth control pills and appears to work just as well, says Marc Monseau, a spokesman for Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, which would market the Evra patch....

Predicting whether new methods will catch on with women has proved tricky in recent years, says James Trussell, a birth control researcher at Princeton University.

But, he says, "the more options we have, the more likely a woman will be able to find one that she can use consistently and correctly."

Health Line
Copyright 1999 The National Journal Group, Inc.
July 20, 1999


Despite managed care's efforts to reduce emergency room visits, many "plans have left their members no place to go but the ER" due to the difficulty of obtaining appointments with booked primary care doctors and the lack of after-hours walk-in clinics, the Wall Street Journal reports. ...

However, Princeton University economist Uwe Reinhardt argues that sending patients to the ER is "more efficient than building a new system," adding, "By threatening not to pay for it, you create what I call a 'psychological co-payment.' The jawboning and bullying reduces the use." ...

Federal Document Clearing House
Congressional Testimony
Copyright 1999 Federal Document Clearing House, Inc.
July 20, 1999, Tuesday


... The provision added in haste to last year's Omnibus Appropriations Bill to change Circular A110 has four major problems. It can force researchers to breech the confidentiality of their subjects, especially in medical studies. It is an infringement of intellectual property, which could force release of data before the researchers gain the benefits of their work. It creates an opportunity for harassment of scientists and politicization of science. And it would impose a significant administrative burden on institutions. As the Representative of a district which is home to world-class academic research, I strongly support H.R. 88. The 12th District of New Jersey is home to many researchers, particularly in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, as well as at Princeton University, Monmouth University. Rider University, the College of New Jersey. and neighboring Rutgers University.

Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
Copyright 1999 Star Tribune
July 20, 1999, Tuesday

HEADLINE: FYI; Thirty years
BYLINE: Mary Abbe; Staff Writer

The 30-year anniversary of the first moon landing is being noted everywhere. It is also 27 years since earthlings last went to the moon. Among the many things being said, we found this one interesting. It's from the July 12 edition of the New Yorker magazine.

J. Richard Gott III, an astrophysicist at Princeton University, said, "There's a real danger we will quit it [space travel] as the Chinese did in the 15th century. They explored Africa, came back with a giraffe that everybody wondered at, and then they just quit."

Africa News
Copyright 1999 Africa News Service, Inc.
July 19, 1999

HEADLINE: Kenya;Quality of Kenyan-trained graduates still high - don

BYLINE: Wamahiu Muya, The Nation (Nairobi)

Nairobi - Despite the problems afflicting Kenyan state universities, they still produce high quality graduates, the Vice-Chancellor of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Prof. Ratemo Michieka, told Kenyans residing in the United States.

Speaking during the Kenya 2000 conference at William Paterson University at Wayne in New Jersey, he said the quality of students admitted in a university determined its standards. ...

There was no doubt that most students admitted into State universities were Ivy League material (top US universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton and others) but the quality of education they received was incomparable to that offered in the US. ...

 Electronic Engineering Times
Copyright 1999 CMP Media Inc.
July 19, 1999

HEADLINE: Brain-as-computer thesis spurs debate

WASHINGTON - Can the human brain be considered a computer? Speakers at separate events here indirectly debated opposing views.

Princeton University professor John Hopfield, speaking at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, said "yes," claiming brain activities can be likened to computations.

He cited associative memories, the act of recognition and the triggering of motor responses from sensory inputs.

But at the associated Congress on Evolutionary Computation, at the same venue here, keynote speaker Gerald Edelman, a Nobel laureate and a Scripps Research Institute member, maintained the opposite view. ...

Copyright 1999 Star-Telegram Newspaper, Inc.
July 19, 1999, Monday

HEADLINE: International & National Digest
BYLINE: Wire Reports

Scientists to tackle theory that eluded Einstein

CAPUTH, Germany - Among gentle pines on the shore of Templiner Lake, Albert Einstein spent his last summer in Germany pondering a theory that would unify all of physics.

Scientists following Einstein's theoretical footsteps - including Stephen Hawking and Princeton University's Edward Witten - will pick up where he left off during an international conference this week that starts today. ...

Inter Press Service
Copyright 1999 Inter Press Service
July 19, 1999, Monday


Following the confirmation by China of an accident at the Qinshan nuclear reactor last year, Pakistani scientists are demanding that their government allow an independent assessment of Chashma, a copy of the Chinese reactor.

The state-run Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) has been tightlipped about the accident at Chashma's prototype and seems to be going ahead with the commissioning of the 300 MW Chashma power plant under construction on the left bank of the Indus River in Mianwali district, 170 km from Islamabad.

"The Qinshan accident highlights the risks that the PAEC is willing to run," observes Zia Mian, a Pakistani physicist at Princeton University by e-mail from the United States. ...

Traffic World
Copyright 1999 Journal of Commerce, Inc.
July 19, 1999, Monday

HEADLINE: Rerailing Safety
Amtrak may be predominantly an intercity people mover but increasingly its operations are affecting trucking - so much so that truck drivers who violate highway-rail grade-crossing warning signs could end up in jail and motor carriers may be charged higher fuel taxes to help expand intercity rail passenger service. Call it the Danforth-McCain-Thompson effect.

When Missouri Republican Jack Danforth was in the Senate, his daughter and her Princeton University classmate and friend planned to board an Amtrak train to return to school following a holiday break. Danforth's daughter changed her plans and accepted an automobile ride back to New Jersey but her friend boarded the train. At Chase, Md., her friend was one of 16 persons who died when that Amtrak train plowed into a Conrail locomotive operated by an inattentive engineer named Ricky Gates, who admitted to being under the influence of illegal drugs and was sentenced to prison. At Danforth's urging, Congress passed legislation requiring that railroad train crews and truck drivers be randomly tested for drug and alcohol use. ...

U.S. News & World Report
Copyright 1999 U.S. News & World Report

July 19, 1999

HEADLINE: An American reformation
SERIES: Religion
BYLINE: By Jeffery L. Sheler
HIGHLIGHT: Mainline Protestant churches are deeply divided over sexuality;

If there is one thing the Rev. Scott Field and the Rev. John Schwiebert can agree on, it is that the 8.5 million-member United Methodist Church--the denomination in which they both serve as pastors--is in big trouble.

Field, a self-styled evangelical who leads an 800-member congregation in Naperville, Ill., is dismayed by what he sees as a growing movement within the church to permit the ordination of self-avowed homosexuals and the performance of same-sex weddings by United Methodist clergy. ...

Meanwhile, Schwiebert, pastor of a small "house church" in Portland, Ore., that includes several self-avowed homosexuals as members, sees the denomination's refusal to broaden gay and lesbian participation in the church as proof that conservatives are firmly in control. ...

Even short of a formal breakup of the mainline denominations, some experts say the ideological divisions are so deep and pervasive that a "de facto schism" already exists in many of the churches. Rather than leave their denominations, observes Princeton University sociologist Robert Wuthnow, disaffected congregations on both the right and the left increasingly are forming strategic alliances and simply ignoring church hierarchies that they view as out of touch and even hostile. As the gap between national church bureaucracies and local congregations grows wider, says Wuthnow, "the denominational hierarchies are becoming largely irrelevant." Mainline Protestantism, say Wuthnow and others, may be moving toward a "post-denominational era" in which "liberal" or "conservative" means more than denominational labels or traditions. ...

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution
Copyright 1999 The Atlanta Constitution
July 18, 1999, Sunday

HEADLINE: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Preference guidelines cause selective rage
BYLINE: Cynthia Tucker, Staff

Why are many Americans --- white Americans, mostly --- so upset about college admissions programs that take race into account for a handful of students whose test scores are slightly below standards? Why are programs that boost the chances of black and brown students so controversial, while similar programs that benefit white students go without notice?

For example, the country's premier colleges and universities have long reserved places for the lesser-achieving children of their well-heeled graduates and donors. ...

Scaling back affirmative action would cripple the prospects for black participation in this nation's economic, political and social elite. William Bowen, former president of Princeton University, and Derek Bok, former president of Harvard University, recently conducted a landmark study of affirmative action at 28 elite institutions, including Atlanta's Emory University. They found that black graduates of those colleges go on to earn advanced degrees --- medicine, law, MBAs --- at slightly higher rates than their white counterparts, and also became more active in civic affairs. ...

Copyright 1999 The Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc.
July 18, 1999 Sunday

HEADLINE: John Carey Appel, 83, was retired insurance executive

Services for John Carey "Jack" Appel, 83, businessman and community leader, will be at 11 a.m. July 21 in Community Mausoleum, Peace Chapel at Crown Hill Cemetery. Calling will be from 4 to 7 p.m. July 20 in Crown Hill Funeral Home.

He died July 15.

In 1939, Appel became an insurance agent for Gregory & Appel Insurance, a firm purchased by his grandfather in 1918. He served as president from 1948 to 1985 and as chairman for seven years, retiring in 1992. ...

Mr. Appel was a graduate of Shortridge High School and Princeton University, where he was a member of Tiger Inn Club and captain of the basketball team. ...

The New York Times
Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company

July 18, 1999, Sunday

HEADLINE: Q&A/Pamela Thomas-Graham; Author Explores Issues Through Heroine

PAMELA THOMAS-GRAHAM is not Nikki Chase, the heroine of her mystery novels, but the two have much in common. Both are black professionals with Harvard degrees, and through Nikki Ms. Thomas-Graham is able to explore many issues, including racial profiling, interracial dating and the role of flamboyant black activists. ...

Her writing career began with "A Darker Shade of Crimson," a book set at Harvard, and continues with her new book, "Blue Blood," released in May and set at Yale (both Simon & Schuster). She is at work on a third "Ivy League Mystery," whose setting will be Princeton. Ms. Thomas-Graham is married to Lawrence Otis Graham, who drew national attention after writing about the racial attitudes he experienced as a busboy at a Greenwich country club. Here are excerpts from a recent conversation with Ms. Thomas-Graham: ...

Portland Press Herald
Copyright 1999 Guy Gannett Communications, Inc.
July 18, 1999, Sunday




In the last decade of his life, Ernest Hemingway found himself becoming the prize in a contest that he professed to despise -- the race to produce the biography of one of America's greatest writers. In every stack of mail, it seemed, came a request from an academic seeking permission to publish old letters or to conduct an interview about an obscure moment in his life.

Hemingway would have none of it.

"I am opposed to writing about the private lives of living authors and psychoanalyzing them while they are alive," he complained in 1952. "Criticism is getting all mixed up with a combination of the Junior FBI-men, discards from Freud and Jung, and a sort of Columnist peep-hole and missing laundry list school . . . Every English professor sees gold in them dirty sheets now."

Hemingway -- whose birth 100 years ago this Wednesday is being celebrated in virtually every town he ever lived in -- did not put much stock in criticism, especially of the academic variety. And in his book, biographers were one step lower on the food chain than critics.

But not long before his death in 1961, Hemingway admitted that he had misjudged at least one of those professors -- a serious, literary-minded scholar from Princeton who refused to indulge in pop psychology and had no interest in Hemingway's bedsheets. That professor was Maine native Carlos Heard Baker, born to a Biddeford family of hardware shopkeepers and bankers, and encouraged to take up writing while he was a student at Thornton Academy. ...

"Baker's critical book was the first to consider Hemingway's total canon," said Michael Reynolds, author of a just-completed, five-volume biography of Hemingway. "Thirty-five years and four editions after its publication, the book is still one of the best on Hemingway and still in print. On 10 fingers, you can count the scholarly books that have lasted that long." ...

The Record (Bergen County, NJ)
Copyright 1999 Bergen Record Corp.
July 18, 1999; SUNDAY


J. STANLEY NANTS JR., 80, of Milford, Conn., formerly of Hillsdale, died Tuesday. He had been president of Abbott Merkt and Co., an architectural firm in New York City. He had served in the Navy for 35 years. He was a 1938 graduate of Harvard University and received a master's degree in architecture from Princeton University. He had been president and a trustee of the Humane Society of Bergen County/Lost Pet Association and the New Jersey Congress for Animals. ...

The Salt Lake Tribune
Copyright 1999 The Salt Lake Tribune
July 18, 1999, Sunday

HEADLINE: Digging Up Utah Memories; Warner writes of his search for dinosaur bones, other adventures in 'Into the Porcupine Cave'


As a college student 58 years ago, William Warner spent part of a summer in the dusty desert heat of central Utah, digging for dinosaur bones.

The experience lasted only three weeks. But the memory lingered, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning author captures it along with eight more adventures in a new collection of nature essays, Into the Porcupine Cave and Other Odysseys. The book spans Warner's rich life as a casual but curious observer of the natural world, from his childhood summers on the New Jersey coast to his encounters with howler monkeys in the jungles of Guatemala. ...

The book's second essay, "Shorty, Slim and the Cave Demon," chronicles Warner's first visit to Utah in July 1941. He and his pal John Boyd were geology majors at Princeton University when they were invited by graduate student Lee Stokes to participate in a new dig near Stokes' hometown of Cleveland, Utah. The excavation was funded by Princeton alum Malcolm Lloyd and is known today as the Cleveland-Lloyd quarry, one of the world's foremost dinosaur sources. ...

Copyright 1999 The Baltimore Sun Company
July 17, 1999

John H. Sprinkle Sr., 81, designed Cole Field House

John Harold Sprinkle Sr., a retired architect and decorated World War II veteran, died Wednesday at Thornton, his family home in Chestertown, after a lengthy illness. He was 81.

Mr. Sprinkle was a Maryland architect for more than 40 years and is perhaps best known for designing Cole Field House at the University of Maryland, College Park.

He worked in Baltimore with the firm Hall, Ritter & Sprinkle and later in Salisbury with Malone & Williams. ...

After earning his architectural degree from Princeton University in 1941, Mr. Sprinkle married Mary Edith Dean of Chestertown. They had two children before her death in 1947. Five years later, Mr. Sprinkle married Jane Vickers Brooks and they had two children. ...

Copyright 1999 National Broadcasting Co. Inc.
NBC News Transcripts
July 17, 1999, Saturday



On CLOSE UP this morning, the patients' bill of rights. This week, after a sharply divided debate, Senate Republicans passed their plan for a limited set of rights for patients in managed-care plans. President Clinton vows to veto it. This standoff leaves Americans with little hope of meaningful health-care reform soon. Professor Uwe Reinhardt is a health economist at Princeton University. ...

APPLEGATE: Now this is a very complicated measure, but bottom line, what's in, what's not in?

Mr. REINHARDT: Well, what is in it is some protection for patients to get access to specialists, to be able to use emergency rooms. It prohibits HMOs from forbidding doctors to tell patients about alternative treatments. It allows a doctor to tell an HMO it must pay for hospitalization for a mastectomy--a lot of measures of that nature. And then Republicans threw in other things the Democrats didn't want because it has nothing to do, really, with patient rights. It had to do with tax deductibility of health insurance, which the Democrats say benefits mainly the wealthy, and the abolition of some competitive demonstration project which has nothing to do with patients rights as such.

APPLEGATE: But there also are some meaningful reforms in this measure?

Mr. REINHARDT: I think--I think there are meaningful reforms in it. A lot of the things in it the Democrats had in their bill, too. In fact, some of them were taken from the Democratic bill. But it's the extent of it, the major--major dividing lines here are the Republican bill applies mainly only to the 48 million Americans who are in big companies that self-insure, that is that cover the risks out of their own resources. And of those 48 million, only a few are actually in those kind of HMOs that would be affected by this law. The Democrats, by contrast, would have made this law applicable to absolutely everyone in a health plan. The dividing line here is the Republicans say most of these other plans should be regulated by the states and we, the Republicans, don't want to preempt state legi--regulation. ...

The Ottawa Citizen
Copyright 1999 Southam Inc.
July 17, 1999, FINAL

HEADLINE: Ottawa author under James Dean's spell: Dan Mrkich became fascinated with actor after seeing East of Eden in Yugoslavia 42 years ago

BYLINE: Charles Enman

Among all the books on American actor James Dean, only one has been written by a Canadian.

Summer Was Only Beginning, by Ottawa author Dan Mrkich, uniquely among works on Mr. Dean, deals almost exclusively with the memories the actor left on friends and relatives in his home town, Fairmount, Indiana.

Mr. Mrkich mentioned a little known consequence of Dean's accident. Princeton University student Ralph Nader began writing ''Unsafe At Any Speed,'' his classic indictment of lax safety standards in the automobile industry, on the very evening of Dean's death. The man who later achieved fame as a consumer advocate was directly inspired by the unnecessary loss of the 24-year-old actor. ...

Chicago Sun-Times
Copyright 1999 Chicago Sun-Times, Inc.
July 16, 1999, FRIDAY

HEADLINE: Charles J. Swigert, scientist

It came as little surprise to his family that Charles Justin Swigert of Evanston wound up as a research scientist who was one of the architects of the government's "Star Wars" strategy and technology.

As a youth, he rode around town on his chrome-plated Harley Davidson motorcycle wearing a black leather jacket with Einstein's theory of relativity painted on the back in luminous paint, a slide rule hanging from his belt. He also built his own wind tunnel in the family basement to test aeronautical designs.

Mr. Swigert died unexpectedly Thursday at his home in Pacific Palisades, Calif. He was 59.

The son of Dr. Verne and Marjorie Swigert, Mr. Swigert graduated from Princeton University with a degree in electrical engineering, earned his master's degree in aeronautical engineering at the University of Michigan and his doctorate in biomedical-electronic engineering and computer science at the University of California at Berkeley. ...

The New York Times
Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company
July 16, 1999, Friday

HEADLINE: Inflation Didn't Budge in June, U.S. Says

In the middle of the ninth year of one of the longest economic booms in United States history, the rate of inflation is precisely zero.

In June, the Labor Department reported yesterday, the closely watched Consumer Price Index -- which measures changes in the price of everything that American households buy, from candy bars to health care -- failed to register even the tiniest change. ...

"Before the last six months, prices were behaving the way that the conventional wisdom said they should," said Alan S. Blinder, an economist at Princeton University who was vice chairman of the Fed in the mid-1990's. "But now we really have some explaining to do."

To see why, consider a bit of history. In the early 1980's, inflation fell to 4 percent from 10 percent the old-fashioned way, squeezed out of the economy by tight money and a deep recession engineered by the Fed, whose chairman then was Paul A. Volcker. By the end of the 1980's boom, it had moved back up to a 6 percent rate. That is when Alan Greenspan, who became Fed chairman in 1987, administered a smaller dose of castor oil, pushing rates higher and helping send the economy into a brief, relatively shallow recession that ended in early 1991. Inflation fell to 3 percent. Tighter money in 1994 and 1995 knocked another point off the rate. ...

PR Newswire
Copyright 1999 PR Newswire Association, Inc.
July 16, 1999, Friday

HEADLINE: Intercardia Announces Restructuring of Relationship With Interneuron and Changes Name to Incara Pharmaceuticals


Intercardia, Inc. (Nasdaq: ITRC) today announced it has restructured its corporate relationship with Interneuron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: IPIC), to reduce Interneuron's 61% ownership of Intercardia. ...

Incara's four non-BEXTRA programs have made recent advances. A paper published in the April 16, 1999 edition of the journal Science describes a new class of antibiotics discovered under an Incara sponsored research agreement with Princeton University. ...

The Chronicle of Higher Education
Copyright 1999 The Chronicle of Higher Education
July 16, 1999

HEADLINE: UCLA Retains 5 English Professors by Thwarting Outside Offers; Head of U. of Rochester's Art Department Takes 2-Year Job at Art Institute in Mass.


Department chairs usually are lauded for luring professors from elsewhere to build up their own universities. Give a round of applause to Thomas Wortham, of the University of California at Los Angeles -- not for adding faculty members, but for keeping his English department intact by swatting away outside offers to five leadiing professors.

"It was a good year," says Mr. Wortham, who's been chairman since 1997. "I have gray hairs, but it came out well."

The five who decided to stay: N. Katherine Hayles, a specialist in literature and cyberspace, who turned down an endowed chair at Pennsylvania State University; Jinqi Ling, an Asian Americanist who said No to the University of Michigan; Michael North, a modernist who declined an offer from Duke University; Debora K. Shuger, a Renaissance scholar who rebuffed Princeton University's best efforts; and Valerie Smith, an African-American-studies scholar who chose not to leave for Rutgers University.

The chairman reckons that his department was ripe for the picking because it has many faculty members in the prime of their careers, as well as strong and desirable ethnic-studies offerings. But U.C.L.A.'s emphasis on collaboration across departments makes it a happy home for many professors. Matching outside salary offers helps, but he says the real key to holding on to professors is intangible. "A chair should try to keep people happy," he says, allowing them to teach the courses they want, for example. ...

The Chronicle of Higher Education
Copyright 1999 The Chronicle of Higher Education
July 16, 1999

HEADLINE: Perhaps We Bowl Alone, but Does It Really Matter?

The notion of civil society "is the chicken soup of political theory," says the political scientist Nancy L. Rosenblum. "All good things flow from civil society."

Her irony would be lost on America's policy makers. While the U.S. economy keeps humming, such pervasive problems as welfare dependency, teenage pregnancy, juvenile crime, and neighborhood decline have apparently led politicians to conclude that neither the invisible hand of the market nor the long arm of government will cure those social ills. ...

Robert Wuthnow, a sociologist at Princeton University, suggests that Americans are not so much disengaged as changing the definition of engagement. For a recent book, Loose Connections: Joining Together in America's Fragmented Communities (Harvard University Press, 1998), Mr. Wuthnow conducted in-depth interviews with about 250 Americans from 18 states.

In response to the "increased diversity, fluidity, interdependence, and specialization of modern life," he writes, "they are trying to identify workable ways to help their friends and receive help from them, to be responsible members of their neighborhoods, and to contribute to the betterment of their communities. They are experimenting with looser, more sporadic, ad hoc connections in place of the long-term memberships in hierarchical organizations of the past." Instead of lifetime commitments to the Rotary Club or the Junior League, he argues, Americans are increasingly coming together within support groups, hobby clubs, and short-term volunteer projects. ...

The Chronicle of Higher Education
Copyright 1999 The Chronicle of Higher Education
July 16, 1999

HEADLINE: Snapshots of Other Academics Who Are Passing the Torch

Many senior professors brought their campus careers to a close this summer. But retirement has a different face for each faculty member. While some will leave academe entirely, others plan to continue writing and even teach a course or two. Here are snapshots of the careers and plans of several of this year's retirees:

Victor Brombert has been teaching for almost 50 years, and he's not about to stop. After 24 years as a professor of French at Princeton University, preceded by 24 years at Yale University, he retired in June. "I'm being promoted to emeritus," he says. Now he gets to teach "when I feel like it." He has already agreed to teach a freshman seminar at Princeton in 2000-01.

Mr. Brombert's scholarly contributions have focused on three French novelists -- Flaubert, Hugo, and Stendhal. His latest book, out this year, is In Praise of Antiheroes: Figures and Themes in Modern Euroopean Literature, 1830-1980 (University of Chicago Press). ...

Asked his age, he replies, "All right, I won't hide it from you. I'm 75. But I feel much younger."

The Boston Globe
Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company
July 15, 1999, Thursday

HEADLINE: Panel supports US funds for some stem cell studies

BYLINE: By Richard Saltus, Globe Staff

CAMBRIDGE - In a decision that could speed new treatments for Alzheimer's and other degenerative diseases, a presidential panel yesterday said research on stem cells from human embryos should be eligible for federal funding.

Research using stem cells derived from embryos left over from fertility treatments - but not embryos created specifically for research purposes - should be federally supported, the panel said.

Aborted fetuses would be another legitimate source of stem cells, said the National Bioethics Advisory Commission in a set of recommendations approved, except for some tinkering, in a two-day meeting here. ...

"We want to build public confidence and trust and make sure we go forward cautiously and respectfully" with the research, said Harold T. Shapiro, president of Princeton University, who chaired the panel. ...

Health Line
Copyright 1999 The National Journal Group, Inc.
July 15, 1999


Following the National Bioethics Advisory Commission's recommendation yesterday to revise the ban on federally funded research on human embryos, President Clinton lent his support despite warnings by antiabortion activists and lawmakers, who said "they will oppose any changes to the ban" (Weiss, Washington Post, 7/15). Emphasizing the difference between creating human embryos for research purposes and using human embryonic stem cells derived from other sources, the president said that the "ban on the use of federal funds for the creation of human embryos for research purposes will remain in effect. ...

"We want to build public confidence and trust and make sure we go forward cautiously and respectfully," said Princeton University President Harold Shapiro, who chairs the panel (Saltus, Boston Globe, 7/15).

The Record (Bergen County, NJ)
Copyright 1999 Bergen Record Corp.
July 15, 1999


Jim Florio is learning.

It was another morning, another campaign. He stood at another podium, facing another audience, looking for another chance in another election. He buttoned his coat in the usual way, and looked out on the crowd before him with his usual penetrating stare that tells you he is in no mood to waste time.

And then Jim Florio did something he didn't do enough in all those hard, serious years when he walked the halls of U.S. Capitol as a congressman and then the State House in Trenton as governor.

He told a joke. ...

In public, Jim Florio defined stiffness. He was the sort of guy who would wear a suit to an outdoor rally on the Princeton University campus when his audience was in shorts and tossing flying disks. Why he rarely displayed any sense of humor in public may be hard to understand. ...

The Record (Bergen County, NJ)
Copyright 1999 Bergen Record Corp.
July 15, 1999; THURSDAY


During the early part of summer, it's not unusual to see premedical students, armed with clipboards and wearing white lab coats, make appointed rounds at Pascack Valley Hospital in Westwood.

Following a physician, they trek through the emergency room and intensive-care ward, watch doctors work in radiology and the operating room, and even catch glimpses of the birth of a baby in the delivery room.

But Pascack Valley is neither a teaching institution nor a medical training facility.

Sponsored by the hospital's Medical Education Department, the six-week course is an on-site undertaking that runs each summer to help college students in their sophomore and junior years determine whether they really want to become doctors. ...

"The human body is fascinating," said Bair, a junior at Princeton University. "Doing a career where you could work with that every day would be interesting.... You never stop learning, no matter how much knowledge you have." ...

The Washington Times
Copyright 1999 News World Communications, Inc.
July 15, 1999, Thursday

HEADLINE: Let God into the schoolroom
BYLINE: Gary Bauer

"We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being."

These are words not of a Christian conservative activist, but rather of the celebrated liberal Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas in the 1952 case of Zorach vs. Clausen.

What Justice Douglas knew, today's militant secularists seem to have forgotten. Hence, their bitter attack upon legislation recently passed by the House of Representatives to permit states to post the Ten Commandments in schools and other public buildings. ...

In the words of Princeton University Professor Robert George, the Commandments are "God's great gift to Israel, and Judaism's great gift to the world." They are the most sublime expression of the core tenets of ethical monotheism. They remind us of our obligations to honor the Creator who has endowed us with dignity and rights. ...

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Copyright 1999 The Chronicle of Philanthropy
July 15, 1999

HEADLINE: Non-Profit Leaders Are Among 32 Fellows Named by MacArthur Fund

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has announced 32 new MacArthur Fellows.

Recipients of the fellowships, often called "genius awards," are free to use the money as they wish. The foundation does not require them to produce any products or reports.

No one can apply for a MacArthur Fellowship. Nominations are proposed by more than 100 people who serve anonymously for one year.

Fellows receive $200,000 to $375,000 over five years: The older the fellow, the more he or she gets. Recipients are also offered health insurance. ...

Elizabeth Diller, 45, architect at Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., and Ricardo Scofidio, 64, architect at Cooper Union, New York: $375,000. Their work embodies an alternative model of architectural practice, explores how space functions in our culture, and asserts that architecture should be examined as the physical manifestation of social relationships. ...

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Copyright 1999 The Chronicle of Philanthropy
July 15, 1999

HEADLINE: Insurance Executive's $55-Million to Princeton Heads List of Big Donations

Many institutions have tallied big gifts.

* Princeton University has received $55-million from 1955 alumnus Peter B. Lewis of Cleveland, chairman of the automobile-insurance company Progressive Corporation.

Mr. Lewis directed most of the gift, $35-million, to the Institute for Integrative Genomics, which the university set up last year to study the actions of genes in living organisms.

The remainder of Mr. Lewis's gift will go to the university's annual fund and to support several other university projects. ...
