
I N S T A L L A T I O N   O F   T H E   1 9 T H   P R E S I D E N T
O F   P R I N C E T O N   U N I V E R S I T Y

Friday, September 28, 2001, Front lawn of Nassau Hall


Remarks by Diane deCordova

President of the Alumni Association
Princeton University


President Tilghman, Trustees, and all of the Princeton community here today, as President of the Alumni Association of Princeton University, which represents ALL 70,000 alumni, I am delighted to bring greetings and congratulations to you, President Tilghman, on your installation as Princeton's 19th president.

Alumni status came in a flurry to President Tilghman last spring when NINE classes made her an honorary member. Now she now has more class affiliations than any of her predecessors. Clearly, Princetonians enthusiastically embraced her appointment. Her membership ties range from the Class of 1941 through the Class of 2001, including my own class of 1983.

Alumni play many roles to help the University and you, President Tilghman. We are your eager counselors, ambassadors, critics and cheerleaders. We serve as Trustees, interview potential students, offer career advice, provide opportunities for community service, tirelessly express our opinions and maintain the strong Princeton culture of giving back and coming back.

You have clearly demonstrated your appreciation for the role that alumni play in the life of the University through your outreach to us. You have taught an Alumni Studies course on Science and Technology, led an alumni college on behavioral genetics, and participated in Saturday pre-game lectures and in mini-courses on the human genome project at Reunions. Now even alumni who pre-dated your time here can refer to you as their "favorite biology professor."

You have also criss-crossed this country and Canada to meet with alumni associations from Boston to Los Angeles and Jacksonville to Vancouver. Our alumni are spread geographically, but no doubt you noticed that we share a love of this place and the ideals for which it stands.

As we assemble here today, we are all acutely aware that a new era has dawned, not just here at Princeton, but globally. As a member of the University's renowned faculty, you have already shown your leadership in researching and teaching matters of concern to humanity. In this new era, in your role as President, we know you will ensure that Princeton continues to educate caring, responsible citizens of the world as this becomes even more important. We look to you for leadership in making real our motto "Princeton in the Nation's Service and in the Service of all Nations."

So… President Tilghman, in recognition of all that you have done for Princeton and all that you will do, I pledge the support of alumni to you and to Princeton over the years ahead. Congratulations and best wishes.

