
We're celebrating Princeton University's 268th Commencement, May 31 - June 2, 2015. Use #Princeton15 to be a part of the story!

  1. Swayed by lore and legend, #PrincetonU students don't use Fitzrandolph Gate until after graduation. Those first steps are sweet! #Princeton15 #Princetagram (Photo: John Jameson)
    Swayed by lore and legend, #PrincetonU students don't use Fitzrandolph Gate until after graduation. Those first steps are sweet! #Princeton15 #Princetagram (Photo: John Jameson)
  2. #Princeton15 knows how to make an exit. #PrincetonU #Princetagram
    #Princeton15 knows how to make an exit. #PrincetonU #Princetagram
  3. and so it goes. 4 years gone so fast! #princetagram #princeton15
    and so it goes. 4 years gone so fast! #princetagram #princeton15
  4. From earlier this week - our own Eva Kubu with new grads (and former student workers) Abe Kielar & Paul Riley. We miss you already, #Princeton15. #PrincetonU #Princetagram
    From earlier this week - our own Eva Kubu with new grads (and former student workers) Abe Kielar & Paul Riley. We miss you already, #Princeton15. #PrincetonU #Princetagram
  5. @wtigerlights do graduation! #Princeton15 #wedidit #princetagram
    @wtigerlights do graduation! #Princeton15 #wedidit #princetagram
  6. Congratulations, Glenn! #princeton15
    Congratulations, Glenn! #princeton15
  7. Parent Pride #Princeton15
    Parent Pride #Princeton15
  8. Couldn't have gotten here without my parents. Thank you mom @ptcotig and dad! #Princeton15 http://t.co/YGcL3Yevwf
    Couldn't have gotten here without my parents. Thank you mom @ptcotig and dad! #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/YGcL3Yevwf
  9. Graduation cont'd: a decade of friendship and almost as many years of co-schooling later, we finally graduate together. So happy to share this day! #Princeton15
    Graduation cont'd: a decade of friendship and almost as many years of co-schooling later, we finally graduate together. So happy to share this day! #Princeton15
  10. Sitting on the stage at a Princeton graduation isn't a place I thought I would ever be! Never know when life may take an amazing twist. Thank you @princeton_university for honoring teachers! You gave us such a memorable day! So grateful to get to have the Princeton graduation experience! 🎓Now back to enjoying my 8th graders tomorrow!! 😋 #woodstownmiddleschool #LiveLoveTeach #Princeton15 #authorappreciation
    Sitting on the stage at a Princeton graduation isn't a place I thought I would ever be! Never know when life may take an amazing twist. Thank you @princeton_university for honoring teachers! You gave us such a memorable day! So grateful to get to have the Princeton graduation experience! 🎓Now back to enjoying my 8th graders tomorrow!! 😋 #woodstownmiddleschool #LiveLoveTeach #Princeton15 #authorappreciation
  11. Congratulations Matt! I don't know where to start. I can remember back when you were 15 creating iPhone apps that solve algebraic equations. It was quite obvious you were destined to do big things. Now you've graduated one of the most prestigious schools in the world and starting a job at Google in September. You're extremely talented, you're a genius, and I'm proud to call you my brother. 
#brotha #princeton15
    Congratulations Matt! I don't know where to start. I can remember back when you were 15 creating iPhone apps that solve algebraic equations. It was quite obvious you were destined to do big things. Now you've graduated one of the most prestigious schools in the world and starting a job at Google in September. You're extremely talented, you're a genius, and I'm proud to call you my brother. #brotha #princeton15
  12. Lots more graduation photos to come, but this is my favorite shot. Taken in the mirror at Teresa's before hooding. #latergram #Princeton15
    Lots more graduation photos to come, but this is my favorite shot. Taken in the mirror at Teresa's before hooding. #latergram #Princeton15
  13. a quick four years followed by a long weekend. congrats, @mnkatz- you amaze us all 🎓 #Princeton15
    a quick four years followed by a long weekend. congrats, @mnkatz- you amaze us all 🎓 #Princeton15
  14. "Auctoritate mihi a curatoribus Vniversitatis Princetoniensis commissa, vos ad gradum primum in artibus et cum honoribus, ut indicatum est, admitto." #princeton15 #princetagram #graduation #alumni #friends #seeyouatreunions #classof2015
    "Auctoritate mihi a curatoribus Vniversitatis Princetoniensis commissa, vos ad gradum primum in artibus et cum honoribus, ut indicatum est, admitto." #princeton15 #princetagram #graduation #alumni #friends #seeyouatreunions #classof2015
  15. Thank you @Princeton for a terrific celebration of graduate student accomplishments! #Princeton15
  16. Just graduated from the "BEST OLD PLACE OF ALL". #Princeton15
  17. #Princeton15 Commencement was cold and soggy but they always said the end of grad school was the hardest part (I actually enjoyed it)
  18. great weather made for a great view at commencement.  #ponchocam #princeton15 ☔️🎓
    great weather made for a great view at commencement. #ponchocam #princeton15 ☔️🎓
  19. Tassel turned. Master in Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School #Princeton15
    Tassel turned. Master in Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School #Princeton15
  20. Congrats, #Princeton15! Welcome #PrincetonU families and friends! #Princetagram
    Congrats, #Princeton15! Welcome #PrincetonU families and friends! #Princetagram
  21. Here they come! #Princeton15 #PrincetonU #Princetagram
    Here they come! #Princeton15 #PrincetonU #Princetagram
  22. On the look out for Brendan, but won't be mad if I see @nunokawaj. #DoItLive #BrokenWeatherMachine #PrincetonCommencement #Princeton15
    On the look out for Brendan, but won't be mad if I see @nunokawaj. #DoItLive #BrokenWeatherMachine #PrincetonCommencement #Princeton15
  23. Two years ago, I dropped this fresh-faced guy off at Princeton. So proud of him and his classmates, and looking forward to what they all do to change the world. #princeton15
    Two years ago, I dropped this fresh-faced guy off at Princeton. So proud of him and his classmates, and looking forward to what they all do to change the world. #princeton15
  24. song leaders just crushed a sound check and are now getting offers to headline Bonnaroo #thistent #Princeton15 #princeton #mightytigers
    song leaders just crushed a sound check and are now getting offers to headline Bonnaroo #thistent #Princeton15 #princeton #mightytigers
  25. Congratulations to the great Class of 2015 making it through Fitzrandolph Gate! #princeton15 @princetoncareer http://t.co/AqxCafmveI
    Congratulations to the great Class of 2015 making it through Fitzrandolph Gate! #princeton15 @princetoncareer pic.twitter.com/AqxCafmveI
  26. Yay Class of 2015! #Princeton15 #princetagram #princetonU
    Yay Class of 2015! #Princeton15 #princetagram #princetonU
  27. Congratulations to the members of the Great Class of 2015! We're so proud of you! #Princeton15
  28. Shout out to our neighbors! RT @Princeton: Congratulations and best wishes to Princeton University’s Great Class of 2015 #Princeton15
  29. Avete atqve valete: go forth, Tigers, and change the world. Congrats! #Princeton15
  30. Congratulations and best wishes to Princeton University’s Great Class of 2015 #Princeton15
  31. Eisgruber to grads: “Carry the spirit of Princeton into the world!” #Princeton15
  32. #Princeton15 will have to dream audaciously when they exit FitzRandolph Gate, says Pres. Eisgruber.
  33. Salutatorian Neil John Hannan '15 calls upon #princeton15 classmates to "never grow up" or lose their childlike curiousity !
  34. President Eisgruber confers degrees on #Princeton15 calling abbreviated "no huddle offense" commencement @Princeton http://t.co/s11NcSqWnx
    President Eisgruber confers degrees on #Princeton15 calling abbreviated "no huddle offense" commencement @Princeton pic.twitter.com/s11NcSqWnx
  35. Yay Misha! Class of 2015 Valedictorian! We're so proud of you #Princeton15
  36. Valedictorian Misha Semenov tells #Princeton15 to never grow up.
  37. Congrats to all the graduating #Princeton15 Tigers! Welcome to the best alumni community out there.
  38. Hit your mark, Princeton #Princeton15 #comeatusFitzRandolphgate #whoblinksfirst #rainortigers
    Hit your mark, Princeton #Princeton15 #comeatusFitzRandolphgate #whoblinksfirst #rainortigers
  39. Congratulations to #Princeton15's inspiring honorary degree recipients. Here, Harry Belafonte, Doctor of Laws: http://t.co/fTxDaVVtRH
    Congratulations to #Princeton15's inspiring honorary degree recipients. Here, Harry Belafonte, Doctor of Laws: pic.twitter.com/fTxDaVVtRH
  40. Nope, no need to execute that rain plan. #princeton15
    Nope, no need to execute that rain plan. #princeton15
  41. Wishing the Class of 2015 a happy (albeit rainy!) commencement. Many blessings to you all! @Princeton #commencement #Princeton15
  42. Orange and black umbrellas galore #princeton15
    Orange and black umbrellas galore #princeton15
  43. "Hey, let's have graduation in the rain." #Princeton15 #Princeton
    "Hey, let's have graduation in the rain." #Princeton15 #Princeton
  44. Congratulations to #Princeton15! Especially to our GreenLeaders and students of sustainability! #PrincetonU
  45. Suddenly feeling so nostalgic. Will really miss Princeton. #Princeton15
  46. When you realize you don't have a tie for prom so you make one out of you thesis you are ready to graduate #necessityisthemotherofinvention #genius #Princeton15 #heyJoeBenum #mightytigers
    When you realize you don't have a tie for prom so you make one out of you thesis you are ready to graduate #necessityisthemotherofinvention #genius #Princeton15 #heyJoeBenum #mightytigers
  47. Hug it out, princeton #tigerlove #Princeton15 #princeton
    Hug it out, princeton #tigerlove #Princeton15 #princeton
  48. #happy #moment #priceless #hooded #first #dean #princeton15 #princeton
    #happy #moment #priceless #hooded #first #dean #princeton15 #princeton
  49. Kiss me I'm a Doctor #princeton #princeton15 #doctor #engineer #awesome #family #look #ipad #sharperimage
    Kiss me I'm a Doctor #princeton #princeton15 #doctor #engineer #awesome #family #look #ipad #sharperimage
  50. 13 hours 33 mins to graduation. This is getting too real. #Princeton15 .
  51. Our newest Masters and PhDs received their hoods this evening. Congratulations, all! #PrincetonU #Princetagram #Princeton15
    Our newest Masters and PhDs received their hoods this evening. Congratulations, all! #PrincetonU #Princetagram #Princeton15
  52. 👨🏼+👩🏾=👧🏽👧🏽👧🏽👦🏽👧🏽
    👨🏼+👩🏾=👧🏽👧🏽👧🏽👦🏽👧🏽 #princeton15
  53. We love all our seniors! We are so proud of you!! Best wishes for what's ahead after #PrincetonU #princeton15 http://t.co/YOPuskrmZk
    We love all our seniors! We are so proud of you!! Best wishes for what's ahead after #PrincetonU #princeton15 pic.twitter.com/YOPuskrmZk
  54. Congratulations to #Princeton15′s extraordinary cohort of Theater Certificate students. @pulewisctrarts @princeton http://t.co/79CogegtjD
    Congratulations to #Princeton15′s extraordinary cohort of Theater Certificate students. @PULewisCtrArts @Princeton pic.twitter.com/79CogegtjD
  55. Class Day
  56. Director Christopher Nolan delivers the keynote address at Class Day. #Princeton15
    Director Christopher Nolan delivers the keynote address at Class Day. #Princeton15
  57. Class Day for #princeton15 #princetagram
    Class Day for #princeton15 #princetagram
  58. Class Day in the chapel. Celebration of the Great Class of 2015 and their accomplishments. Chris Nolan will deliver the Keynote address. 
    Class Day in the chapel. Celebration of the Great Class of 2015 and their accomplishments. Chris Nolan will deliver the Keynote address. #princeton15 #classday15 #princetagram #batmanwenttoprinceton
  59. "Don't chase your dreams, chase your reality" - Christopher Nolan #Princeton15 #princetonclassday
  60. Yes! According to Christopher Nolan, Batman DID go to @Princeton. But he didn't graduate, which, he says, makes us/#Princeton15 > Batman.
  61. Class Day speaker Christopher Nolan: While Batman/Bruce Wayne attended @Princeton, he didn't graduate so #Princeton15 is already ahead!
  62. "So as of tomorrow, you are better than Batman." #Princeton15
  63. "No one has pointed out the most important thing about Bruce Wayne--he attended @Princeton but he didn't graduate." #Princeton15
  64. "I want to make the case that dreams are subsets of reality..." and shouldn't be the center of our universes. #Princeton15
  65. Elicits "awwwws" from the audience saying he met his wife on the first day of college. #Princeton15
  66. He starts by complimenting Princeton: "Even your trash is more beautiful." #Princeton15
  67. About to watch to Christopher Nolan address the class of 2015 at @Princeton. A high bar to reach, lots of great addresses. #Princeton15
  68. Christopher Nolan is among 7 being inducted as an honorary member of #Princeton15.
  69. Jake Robertson gives a shoutout to moms in his Class Day speech. #Princeton15
  70. "The parallels between Princeton and Hogwarts are more than aesthetic." - Andrew Sondern #Princeton15
  71. #Princeton15 stands to be inducted as the Mighty Tigers of the Great Class of 2015. pic.twitter.com/n6WYoV7quK
  72. Chris Eisgruber is reading Bruce Wayne's alumni record. This is a stellar Class Day speech. #batmanwenttoprinceton #Princeton15
  73. Pres. Eisgruber calls on the University Archivist, guards, with Bruce Wayne's alumni record. #Princeton15 http://t.co/2IJaARKAQk
    Pres. Eisgruber calls on the University Archivist, guards, with Bruce Wayne's alumni record. #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/2IJaARKAQk
  74. Did Batman go to #PrincetonU? We're answering the important questions at #princeton15's Class Day.
  75. Pres. Eisgruber welcomes #Princeton15, friends, family and "bat people" in the audience to Class Day. http://t.co/6LniEjVawO
    Pres. Eisgruber welcomes #Princeton15, friends, family and "bat people" in the audience to Class Day. pic.twitter.com/6LniEjVawO
  76. Pres. Eisgruber and Christopher Nolan enter The Chapel for Class Day! #Princeton15 http://t.co/7ZSG1Lo3VH
    Pres. Eisgruber and Christopher Nolan enter The Chapel for Class Day! #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/7ZSG1Lo3VH
  77. <3 RT @Princeton: Class Day speaker Christopher Nolan may see a few familiar faces in the audience today #Princeton15 http://t.co/yA6o5djBhf
    <3 RT @Princeton: Class Day speaker Christopher Nolan may see a few familiar faces in the audience today #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/yA6o5djBhf
  78. This evening's #PrincetonU Pan-African Graduation featured our amazing grads and Kente stoles handmade in Ghana for #Princeton15. Congratulations, all! #Princetagram
    This evening's #PrincetonU Pan-African Graduation featured our amazing grads and Kente stoles handmade in Ghana for #Princeton15. Congratulations, all! #Princetagram
  79. 🎉PERFECT Pan-African Graduation @Princeton - @marclamonthill gave a thought provoking/inspiring address! #Princeton15 http://t.co/c5kAvvHPQK
    🎉PERFECT Pan-African Graduation @Princeton - @marclamonthill gave a thought provoking/inspiring address! #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/c5kAvvHPQK
  80. Tonight is the #Princeton15 Pan-African Graduation. Congratulations, all! (Kente stoles were handmade in Ghana!) http://t.co/9JIyJAQpwj
    Tonight is the #Princeton15 Pan-African Graduation. Congratulations, all! (Kente stoles were handmade in Ghana!) pic.twitter.com/9JIyJAQpwj
  81. Baccalaureate
  82. Thanks and congrats to #Princeton15. It was an honor and privilege to address you at baccalaureate today. Have a great Class Day tomorrow!
  83. Our Princeton Graduate! 🎓🐯#Princeton15
    Our Princeton Graduate! 🎓🐯#Princeton15
  84. Baccalaureate 🎓 #princeton #princetagram #princeton15 #graduation
    Baccalaureate 🎓 #princeton #princetagram #princeton15 #graduation
  85. Congrats to all #Princeton15 students and our @princetoncareer student workers, Abe Kielar & Paul Riley! Best wishes! http://t.co/tZtWFdqFmI
    Congrats to all #Princeton15 students and our @princetoncareer student workers, Abe Kielar & Paul Riley! Best wishes! pic.twitter.com/tZtWFdqFmI
  86. Busy time for valedictorian Misha Semenov. Speech Tuesday. But first, kite duty at Baccalaureate. #Princeton15 http://t.co/P5sDlYcbni
    Busy time for valedictorian Misha Semenov. Speech Tuesday. But first, kite duty at Baccalaureate. #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/P5sDlYcbni
  87. After a series of songs, blessings and well-wishes, #Princeton15's Baccalaureate ends as grads leave the chapel. http://t.co/IgX0Zy3sUK
    After a series of songs, blessings and well-wishes, #Princeton15's Baccalaureate ends as grads leave the chapel. pic.twitter.com/IgX0Zy3sUK
  88. Lisa  P. Jackson •86, VP of environmental initiatives at Apple & formerly of the EPA addresses #Princeton15 http://t.co/p99ARFDq0T
    Lisa P. Jackson •86, VP of environmental initiatives at Apple & formerly of the EPA addresses #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/p99ARFDq0T
  89. "Huge shout out" to the family and friends outside from @lisapjackson86! #Princeton15 http://t.co/yjAP02H8JM
    "Huge shout out" to the family and friends outside from @lisapjackson86! #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/yjAP02H8JM
  90. While a grad student, Baccalaureate speaker @lisapjackson was part of the Chapel Choir, which is performing today. #Princeton15
  91. "Here we were taught by men and gothic towers Democracy and Faith and Righteousness and love of unseen things that do not die." #princeton15
    "Here we were taught by men and gothic towers Democracy and Faith and Righteousness and love of unseen things that do not die." #princeton15
  92. #Princeton15 Baccalaureate speaker Lisa P. Jackson *86 assures the audience that "With compassion and introspection you will be ready to change the world." #PrincetonU #Princetagram
    #Princeton15 Baccalaureate speaker Lisa P. Jackson *86 assures the audience that "With compassion and introspection you will be ready to change the world." #PrincetonU #Princetagram
  93. Pres. Eisgruber welcomed the Class to Baccalaureate inspiring them to lead lives of meaning & purpose. #Princeton15 http://t.co/hT8rOYhuO4
    Pres. Eisgruber welcomed the Class to Baccalaureate inspiring them to lead lives of meaning & purpose. #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/hT8rOYhuO4
  94. President Eisgruber to #Princeton15: "You have my deepest respect and thanks."
  95. President Eisgruber welcomes us to one of Princeton's "oldest and grandest traditions." #Princeton15
  96. The graduates enter the chapel for the University's 268th Baccalaureate. #Princeton15 http://t.co/DwUTZbIu0C
    The graduates enter the chapel for the University's 268th Baccalaureate. #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/DwUTZbIu0C
  97. "It's kite time!" #Princeton15 Baccalaureate begins at 2:00. #PrincetonU #Princetagram
    "It's kite time!" #Princeton15 Baccalaureate begins at 2:00. #PrincetonU #Princetagram
  98. Let's do this @bhaze12 #Graduation2015 #Princeton15 #BlessedBeyondMeasure
    Let's do this @bhaze12 #Graduation2015 #Princeton15 #BlessedBeyondMeasure
  99. Almost ready for Baccalaureate in the #PrincetonU Chapel. All we're lacking is the Class of 2015. #Princeton15 http://t.co/n7Fc1C3egN
    Almost ready for Baccalaureate in the #PrincetonU Chapel. All we're lacking is the Class of 2015. #Princeton15 pic.twitter.com/n7Fc1C3egN
  100. So proud to serve as an Assistant Marshall for Baccalaureate today! Even love the hat! #Princeton15 @princetoncareer http://t.co/vyuybnGZ9B
    So proud to serve as an Assistant Marshall for Baccalaureate today! Even love the hat! #Princeton15 @princetoncareer pic.twitter.com/vyuybnGZ9B
  101. #Princeton15 🎓🐯
    #Princeton15 🎓🐯
  102. Repping Whitman College and Turkey at my first P-rade today with this selection of pins! #reunions #princetagram #Princeton15
    Repping Whitman College and Turkey at my first P-rade today with this selection of pins! #reunions #princetagram #Princeton15
  103. The cannon is properly attired for #Princeton15.
    The cannon is properly attired for #Princeton15.
  104. Hmm, this looks new. #Princeton15 #PrincetonU #Princetagram #PrincetonReunions
    Hmm, this looks new. #Princeton15 #PrincetonU #Princetagram #PrincetonReunions