By the numbers

The University’s travel database

The University’s travel database keeps track of overnight trips taken by students, faculty and staff members, providing Princeton with itineraries and emergency contact information for travelers.

Since the start of the fall semester through mid-April, more than 950 trips have been registered. Undergraduates are required to enter their University-sponsored trips in the database, while graduate students, faculty and staff members are encouraged to do so.

Trips registered in the database have included:

  • 215 trips for study abroad.
  • 205 trips for an internship or a group community engagement project.
  • 151 trips sponsored by a student organization.
  • 121 trips in the United States or abroad to conduct research for a senior thesis.
  • 83 trips for club sports.
  • 78 trips by students with a faculty member.
  • 56 trips through the Office of Religious Life.
  • 34 trips by faculty and staff members.
  • 13 trips for varsity athletic teams. (Only trips outside of the United States are logged for varsity teams.)

See a related article in this issue of the PWB.