

Nicole Klein
Nicole Klein (photo: Brian Wilson)

Name: Nicole Klein.

Position: Learning and development specialist in the Office of Human Resources. Aiding in the coordination and delivery of programs for managers and employees to improve their workplace leadership skills. Assisting in the design and development of new classes for the office’s learning curriculum. Organizing a series of lunch seminars for graduates of the management development certificate program.

Quote: “I love the fact that I get to meet people from all across the University and learn from them as much as I hope I’m able to provide them with the tools and strategies to help with their worklife. We count on the experience and insights of our participants to start the conversation and help all of us identify solutions to workplace issues.”

Other interests: Spending time with her husband, Steve, and their niece and nephews. Reading fiction. Taking vacations at the Jersey Shore.

Employee retirements

Effective Feb 1: in the Bobst Center for Peace and Justice, assistant to the director Nancy Danch, after 15 years; in molecular biology, lecturer Philip Felton, after 23 years.

Effective March 1: in the registrar’s office, technical support analyst John Grieb, after 33 years.


Five Princeton faculty members have been named fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. They are among 210 leaders in the sciences, the humanities and the arts, business, public affairs and the nonprofit sector elected this year in recognition of contributions to their respective fields.

Princeton’s inductees are:

Paul DiMaggio, the A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs;

William Jordan, the Dayton-Stockton Professor of History;

James McPherson, the George Henry Davis 1886 Professor Emeritus of American History;

Guy Nordenson, professor of architecture; and

Philip Pettit, the Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and the University Center for Human Values.

Three named fellows by the American Physical Society

A research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and two Princeton faculty members have been named fellows by the American Physical Society.

The new fellows are: Erick Fredrickson, a principal research physicist at PPPL; Annabella Selloni, the David B. Jones Professor of Chemistry; and Shivaji Sondhi, a professor of physics.

Fredrickson was honored for his work in plasma physics and fusion energy. He was cited for his many contributions to the physics of agnetohydrodynamics, which focuses on the instabilities in hot gases confined within the doughnut-shaped reactors known as tokamaks.

Selloni was cited for her computational studies of surfaces and interfaces that “made possible the interpretation of complex experiments, and successfully predicted the physical and chemical properties of broad classes of materials,” according to the society.

Sondhi was recognized for his work in an area of condensed matter physics known as “strongly correlated electronic systems.” In these, which include quantum Hall systems, quantum magnets and the cuprate superconductors, the interactions among electrons are qualitatively important, as opposed to many physical systems whose properties are adequately explained by the behavior of independent electrons.

The honor is a lifetime appointment. The fellowship program was created to recognize original research and publication, contributions to the teaching of physics, as well as service and participation in the society.