Home study course explores issues of ‘Religion Today’

Members of the campus and local communities can learn more about various topics related to religion — including ethics, politics, business and law — in a home study course offered in April by the Alumni Association.

The course, titled “Religion Today,” will be moderated by Alison Boden, dean of religious life and the chapel. It will include reading assignments, weekly lectures and an online discussion group. An introductory dinner and a discussion led by Boden on “Religion on Campus” are planned for 6 p.m. Thursday, April 2, in the Class of 1998 Private Dining Room in Whitman College.

The course runs in conjunction with the Maclean House Lecture Series, which features talks by Princeton faculty members at 7:30 p.m. in 219 Burr Hall on the following Tuesdays:

  • April 7: “Religion, Ethics and Politics” by Eric Gregory, assistant professor of religion;
  • April 14: “Religion and Business: From Forbidden to Faith-Friendly?” by David Miller, lecturer in religion and associate research scholar in the Center for the Study of Religion;
  • April 21: “Religion and the Law” by Christopher Eisgruber, University provost and the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Public Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the University Center for Human Values; and
  • April 28: “Modern Politics and Ancient Heritages: An Islamicist’s Perspective” by Michael Cook, the Class of 1943 University Professor of Near Eastern Studies.

The lectures will be recorded and made available online the next day. Course reading materials have been selected by the faculty members to correspond with the subject of the lectures.

Registration for the course is now open. For more information, visit the Alumni Association website at alumni.princeton.edu/main/education_travel/home_study_programs/alumni_studies/.