Dining Services selected to receive Silver Plate award

Princeton’s Dining Services has been selected as the winner of a 2009 Silver Plate Award, which honors the most outstanding and innovative talents in foodservice operations. Bestowed annually by the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association, the award is presented in nine categories, and Dining Services was recognized in the category of colleges and universities.

Dining Services oversees residential dining, retail dining, convenience stores and catering on campus. The department serves about 14,000 meals per day and has a staff of 300 full- and part-time employees, 55 managers and chefs, and 240 student employees.

Some of the initiatives reviewed and honored by the Silver Plate jury include the transformation of two residential dining halls into restaurant-style eateries, with chef-managers; its visiting chefs series; the partnership with the student group Greening Princeton to incorporate sustainability and organic foods into its purchasing; profitable retail cafés and catering operations; and employee recognition programs, support for employee training, opportunities for promotion and low turnover.

Stu Orefice has served as director of Dining Services for the past 16 years.

The Silver Plate Awards, begun 55 years ago to recognize industry excellence, are selected by past winners and editors of leading trade publications. The awards ceremony will take place on May 18 during the National Restaurant Show in Chicago.