

photo of Jeff Himpele
Jeff Himpele (photo: Brian Wilson)

Name: Jeff Himpele.

Position: Associate director of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning. Directing the Teaching Transcript Program, which helps graduate students to enhance their development as teachers and scholars. Leading workshops in the program. Observing graduate students teaching classes and working with them on designing courses.

Quote: “I like the environment of Princeton and its commitment to both research and teaching. I earned my Ph.D. in anthropology here in 1996, and I enjoy being able to draw on my experience as a graduate student and then as a professor in working with students in my position here.”

Other interests: Celebrating the publication of his book “Circuits of Culture: Media, Politics and Indigenous Identity in the Andes” this year by the University of Minnesota Press. Making documentary films. Watching his 9-year-old son, Brian, play soccer.

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