Proposals sought for global research projects

Princeton faculty members are invited to submit grant proposals for projects to facilitate global research initiatives through the Council for International Teaching and Research.

The council’s Global Collaborative Research Fund is intended to support scholarly networks that engage Princeton with centers of learning worldwide through collaborative research on significant global issues and scholarship, and to promote career development of scholars at all stages. The goal is to benefit Princeton researchers by linking them to global networks while offering resources to bring cutting-edge global research to the University.

Grants will support existing projects and networks that wish to expand or grow, as well as new ventures. Proposals will be considered for minor grants (up to $75,000) and major grants (more than $75,000) to be allocated in two- to three-year terms.

Initial proposals for minor and major grants, including a letter of intent and short description of the program, are due by Friday, Dec. 19. If initial proposals are approved, submissions of full proposals will be due by Friday, Feb. 20.

Proposals for minor grants also will be accepted in the spring semester. Initial submissions are due by Monday, March 2, with full proposals due by Wednesday, April 15.

The Council for International Teaching and Research was created as part of a series of internationalization initiatives outlined by President Tilghman and Provost Christopher Eisgruber last fall. The council’s mission is to provide leadership and advocacy for international endeavors at the University. It is directed by Jeremy Adelman, the Walter Samuel Carpenter III Professor in Spanish Civilization and Culture and professor of history.

For full details about the call for proposals, visit Anyone who has further questions after reviewing the website may contact Adelman at or 258-7550, or Sharon Kulik at or 258-6592.