Alumni support additional initiatives in energy and environment research

In addition to the gift establishing the Gerhard R. Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton alumni are providing support for other new initiatives related to energy and the environment. The following also were announced July 1:

  • A gift from Currie and Thomas A. Barron, a 1974 alumnus, offering support for work at the intersection of environmental issues and the humanities at Princeton. The Barrons have given $4.5 million to the Princeton Environmental Institute to establish an endowed professorship, a fund to support academic innovations and a student prize.

  • A new professorship endowed by a gift from Dwight Anderson, a 1989 alumnus, to address critical issues of energy and the environment in the 21st century. The Anderson Family Professorship in Energy and the Environment will support a tenured faculty member in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

  • A $1 million gift from venture capitalists Paul Maeder, a 1975 alumnus, and his wife, Gwill York, to establish the Paul A. Maeder ’75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment. The endowment will be used at the discretion of the dean of engineering to provide seed funding to faculty members engaging in risk-taking research that would not typically be supported by government grants and the conventional peer review process.

Links to more information about each of these gifts — plus a video of President Tilghman discussing Princeton’s focus on energy and the environment, along with other stories and photos — are available at