Princeton Weekly Bulletin June 21, 1999

Grants available

Visit the web site for the Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) at for information on many funding opportunities, including those listed below. Questions may be directed to Jan Anderson or Lisa Kulp of ORPA (258-3976 or 258-4958). Grant applications are available in limited numbers from ORPA unless otherwise noted.

Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
(949) 721-2222

October 1. Beckman Young Investigators Award. Supports young faculty members' research in chemical and life sciences, particularly invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research. Average grants are $200,000 for two years.

Arthritis Foundation
(404) 965-7636

July 1. (732) 283-4300. NJ Chapter Research Grant. Supports one year of study on etiology, pathogenesis or medical treatment of arthritis and connective tissue disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, crystal-induced arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and other forms of arthritis and collagen vascular diseases. Awards range up to $50,000 for one year.

September 1. Postdoctoral fellowship. Provides two years of support with one-year renewal for physicians and scientists to spend 90 percent time on arthritis-related research. Stipend is $35,000 plus $500 institutional grant.

September 1. Arthritis Investigator Award. Provides three years of support with two-year renewal for physicians and scientists who have minimum of three years and maximum of seven years of research experience; requires 80 percent time commitment to arthritis-related research. Annual stipend is $74,000 for salary or research expenses plus $1,000 institutional grant. Limited to US citizens and permanent residents.

September 1. Arthritis Biomedical Science Grant. For physicians and scientists at assistant professor level or higher. Award is $90,000 per year for up to three years. Limited to US citizens and permanent residents.

Cancer Research Institute
(212) 688-7515

October 1, April 1. Postdoctoral fellowship in cancer immunology or general immunology. Supports research with special emphasis on tumor immunology. Applicants must have doctoral degree and conduct proposed research under sponsor who holds formal appointment at host institution. Work may be carried out in US or abroad. Stipends are $32,000 to $36,000 for up to three years.

Columbia University

(212) 854-4631

October 15. Society of Fellows in Humanities postdoctoral fellowships 2000-2001. Fellow at rank equivalent to lecturer teaches section of introductory courses for one year; must have received PhD between January 1, 1994 and July 1, 2000. Awards are made in two categories: Mellon Fellowships in general education (contemporary civilization; literature, music or art humanities; Asian civilizations or humanities), renewable for second year; and Major Cultures Fellowship in cultures and civilizations of Africa, Latin American and Middle East, for one year only. Stipend is $30,000 plus $1,000 for research.

Department of Energy
(202) 586-5522

July 30. Inventions and Innovation Program. Awards of up to $200,000 for maximum of three years for projects demonstrating both significant potential energy savings and future market, within buildings, industrial, transportation and power sectors. Industries of particular interest are agriculture, aluminum, chemicals, forest products, glass, metal-casting, mining, petroleum and steel.

International Research and Exchanges Board
(202) 628-8188

November 1. Individual advanced research grants. Support research of pre- and postdoctoral scholars at institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and Eurasia for one to 12 months. Limited to US citizens or permanent residents. Projects in policy research and development, and cross-disciplinary studies are particularly welcome.

National Endowment for Humanities

July 1. (202) 606-8570. Preservation and access projects. Grants for projects that will create, preserve and increase availability of resources for research, education and public programming in humanities.

September 1. (202) 606-8200. Fellowships at independent research institutions. Grants support postdoctoral fellowships administered by independent research centers and international research organizations.

September 1. (202) 606-8210. Collaborative research. Grants provide up to three years of support for collaborative research in preparation for publication of editions, translations and other important works in humanities, and conferences addressing specific set of research objectives in humanities.

October 15. (202) 606-8380. Education development and demonstration. Program supports efforts to engage students in sustained, thoughtful study of humanities through projects that promise national significance.

National Institutes of Health
(301) 594-5938

October 1. Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins program. National institutes of General Medical Sciences, Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Environmental Health Sciences, and Neurological Disorders and Stroke support basic research on structures of membrane proteins at or near atomic resolution. Collaborations between biochemists and molecular biologists are encouraged.

National Science Foundation

All Directorates

July 22. Faculty early career development program.

Multiple Directorates

July 6. Large scientific and software data set visualization.

July 15. Digital government.

July 26. NSF/EPA partnership for environmental research: technology for sustainable environment.

September 10. Preproposals for materials research science and engineering centers.


July 6. Living stock collections.

July 10. Animal behavior; animal development; behavioral neuroscience; biochemistry of gene expression; biomolecular processes; biomolecular structure and function; cell biology; cellular organization; computational neuroscience; developmental mechanisms; developmental neuroscience; ecological and evolutionary physiology; eukaryotic genetics; evolution of developmental mechanisms; genetics; integrative animal biology; integrative plant biology; metabolic biochemistry; microbial genetics; molecular biochemistry; molecular biophysics; neuroendocrinology; neuronal and glial mechanisms; neuroscience; physiology and ethology; plant and microbial development; sensory systems; and signal transduction and cellular regulation.

July 12. Biological databases and informatics program.

August 30. Instrument development for biological research.

September 3. Biological research collections.

Computer/Information Sciences

July 1. Advanced computational research: Software tools.

July 5. Multilingual information access and management. Call for international research cooperation.

July 31. Connections to Internet.

August 4. Instrumentation for research in computer and information science and engineering.

August 15. Special projects in networking.

September 15. Information and data management.


August 1. Preliminary proposals for elementary, secondary and informal education: Informal science.

August 15. Full proposals for elementary, secondary and informal education: Instructional materials development.

August 25. Full proposals for elementary, secondary and informal education: Teacher enhancement.


August 16. Exploratory research on biosystems at nanoscale.


July 1. Long-term ecological research in land-ocean margin ecosystems.

August 15. Ocean drilling program.

August 23. Synthesis and modeling project of US joint global ocean flux study.

Math/Physical Sciences

July 6. Chemistry research instrumentation and facilities: Department research instrumentation for use by junior faculty.

July 19. Grants for vertical integration of research and education in mathematical sciences.

August 31. Advanced technologies and instrumentation.

September 1. Stellar astronomy and astrophysics.

September 21. Galactic astronomy.

Polar Programs

August 1. Arctic research.

Social/Behavioral Sciences

July 15. Human cognition and perception; linguistics; social psychology.

August 1. Science and technology studies; societal dimensions of engineering, science and technology: Ethics and values studies research on science and technology.

August 15. Decision, risk and management science; economics; methodology, measurement and statistics.

September 15. Midcareer methodological opportunities.

Research Corp.
(520) 571-1111

September 1. Cottrell Scholars Awards. Support for tenure-track assistant professors in PhD departments of astronomy, chemistry or physics; must be in third year of first tenure-track position. Award is $50,000.

Robert Bosch Foundation

(212) 497-3500

October 15. Fellowships. Nine-month program, September through May, includes internships in federal government and private sectors in Germany. Limited to US citizens age 23 to 34 with graduate degree and professional experience in business administration, economics, journalism or mass communications, law, political science or public affairs or public policy.

Rockefeller Foundation

Bellagio Study and Conference Center 1999-2000

September 1, January 10, May 10. Individual, collaborative and parallel residencies. Four-week visits for individual work and interaction for scholars, scientists, policymakers, practitioners or artists who expect work at center to result in publication, exhibition, performance or other concrete product. Room and board provided for resident and spouse or life partner. Library and office equipment available.

September 1, January 10, May 10. Team residencies. Five to 28 days for international teams of three to 10 people. Room and board provided for team members; small meeting room and office equipment available.

September 1, January 10, May 10. International conferences. Dates available for meetings involving scholars or practitioners addressing significant issues that are innovative in design and promise concrete outcomes. Conferences accommodate maximum of 23 participants for three working days with additional days for arrival and departure. Support consists of room and board; office equipment available.

US Information Agency

November 15. College and university affiliations program. Awards of up to $150,000 for three-year period support institutional linkages in higher education through exchange of faculty and administrators for one week to academic year. Eligible fields are education or educational administration; social, political, economic or environmental sciences; law; business; public administration; or communications.

US Institute of Peace

Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace
(202) 457-1700

September 15. Senior fellowships. Support practitioners and scholars working on topics related to understanding, management and resolution of violent international conflict. For projects of 10 months beginning October at Institute in Washington D.C. Stipend is same as recipient's income during year preceding fellowship.

November 15. Peace scholar dissertation fellowships. Support doctoral students in research and writing of dissertations addressing sources and nature of international conflict and ways to prevent or end conflict and sustain peace. Stipend is $14,000 for 12 months.

University of Michigan
(734) 763-1259

October 9. Michigan society of fellows postdoctoral fellowships. Fellows teach equivalent of one academic year and do independent research and writing. Three-year term begins in September 2000 with annual stipend of $36,000. Applicants must have received PhD between June 1, 1997 and September 1, 2000.