Princeton Weekly Bulletin June 21, 1999

A P P O I N T M E N T S,   R E S I G N A T I O N S

Assistant professors to join faculty

The following assistant professors have been appointed to the faculty.

In Art and Archaeology, Alfred Acres is interested in late medieval and early Renaissance art history. He has a 1984 BA from the University of Michigan and a 1992 PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. Assistant professor at the University of Oregon since 1992, he was named associate professor there in 1998.

In Comparative Literature, Gabriel Riera focuses on Latin American literature. A 1990 graduate of New York University, he earned his 1997 PhD at the University of California, Irvine and was a visiting assistant professor at Brandeis University from 1994 to 1996. Since 1997 he has been assistant professor at NYU.

In East Asian Studies, Yang Lu's specialty is Chinese history. He has a 1987 BA from Beijing University and a 1990 MA from the University of Vienna. An instructor at Princeton since 1995, he earned his PhD here in 1998.

In Mathematics, Denis Kosygin is interested in dynamical systems, quantum chaos and probability theory. He earned his MS in 1991 at Moscow State University and his PhD in 1997 at Princeton. Since then he has been an instructor at the Courant Institute.

Also in Mathematics, Tian-Jun Li's fields are low dimensional topology and symplectic geometry. He has a 1990 BS from Beijing University and a 1996 PhD from Brandeis. A member of the Institute for Advanced Study in 1997-98, he has been an instructor at Yale University since 1996.

In Politics, Anne Sartori studies international relations. With a 1988 BA from Yale University, she earned her 1998 PhD at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and went to the University of Wisconsin, Madison as assistant professor.

All appointments are for three years starting September 1, except those of Li, Lu and Sartori, which begin July 1.


The following assistant professors were reappointed for one-year extensions: Mary Henninger-Voss in History, beginning July 1, 2001, and Kathleen McNamara in the Woodrow Wilson School and Politics, beginning July 1, 2002.


Six current assistant professors received preceptorships for three years, starting July 1: in Anthropology, Isabelle Nabokov (Elias Boudinot Preceptor), in Architecture, Alessandra Ponte (Charles G. Osgood Preceptor), in English, Patricia Crain (Class of 1936 Preceptor) and D. Vance Smith (Jonathan Dickinson Preceptor), and in the Woodrow Wilson School and Politics, Kathryn Stoner-Weiss (Ralph O. Glendinning Preceptor) and Deborah Yashar (Class of 1934 Preceptor).


The following faculty members have submitted their resignations.

Effective July 1, 1999:
Professor of Politics and Public Affairs John DiIulio will resign to accept a position at the University of Pennsylvania; Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies Khaled Fahmy, to accept a position at New York University; and Associate Professor of Chemistry Kevan Shokat, to go to the University of California, San Francisco.

Effective August 16, 1999:
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Stephen Hubbell, to accept a position at the University of Georgia; and Associate Professor of History Suzanne Marchand to go to Louisiana State University.

Effective July 1, 2000:
Assistant Professor of History Karen Merrill and Associate Professor of Politics and Public Affairs Carol Swain.