Princeton Weekly Bulletin May 24, 1999

John Simpson '66

On this page are images of Princeton made by the late photographer John Simpson '66 and donated by his heirs, James and Jebb, to the Princeton Alumni Weekly. Currently housed on campus in Seeley Mudd Manuscript Library, the Simpson Collection includes 10,000 negatives and contact sheets, and a few color slides.

In 1983 Simpson was in a car crash that left him with severe burns and other injuries, but he returned to active work as a photographer after repeated reconstructive surgery and lengthy rehabilitation. In 1989, with the proceeds of a legal settlement related to his accident, he set up a $2.2 million charitable trust to help burn victims and their families. He died in 1993 of a heart attack.

Photos courtesy of University Archives


Faculty Room

Nassau Hall stairs

Nassau Hall and the Chapel from Holder Tower



Blair Hall

Witherspoon Hall