Adventure, physical and intellectual, is a way of life for religion professor
Senior searches for anxiety genes
Dance: Beauty through movement
CPUC: forum on University issues
President's Page: CBLI
Nassau Notes
In print

Deadlines. All news, photographs and calendar announcements for the Bulletin that covers the two-week period May 24 through June 6 must be received in the Communications office no later than Friday, May 14.

Subscriptions. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for the rest of the academic year 1998-99 are $12 ($6 for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.

Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and
production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Contributing writers:
    Mary Caffrey,
    Justin Harmon,
    Ken Howard,
    Steven Schultz
   Denise Applewhite
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

May 3, 1999 Volume 88, number 26 | Prev | Next | Index 


Challenging positions

Adventure, physical and intellectual, is a way of life for religion professor

John Gager, William H. Danforth Professor of Religion, enjoys a good walk -- especially up a sheer cliff face.
     His love of rock climbing isn't without some hazards, however, even beyond the inevitable scrapes, sprains and occasional breaks.
     Four years ago, on what he describes as a "fairly easy" climb up Mont Blanc in France, Gager experienced something "more terrifying than any fall." While tethered to a guide some 750 feet above flat ground, "I heard a rumble, and an enormous rockfall came down the couloir 15 feet to my right.


Senior searches for anxiety genes

Toshio Kimura's senior thesis taught him a thing or two about stress.
     That's not because of the two weeks he spent holed up in his room not talking to anyone or the two hours of sleep he got in the last days before it was due. It's because he discovered a possible genetic basis for anxiety.

CPUC: forum on University issues

"A University-wide forum for all the issues that come inevitably before a university." That's how Professor of History Daniel Rodgers describes the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC), of which he is currently a member.
     Janet Makuchowski, secretary in Romance Languages and Literatures, sees the CPUC as "a place to take questions, suggestions and issues that are of a University-wide nature -- rather than individual issues that would be handled through the ombudsperson, for instance. It brings together diverse segments of the University as one body, to listen and respond to each other."

Beauty through movement

Performer, choreographer Aleta Hayes combines dance with singing, acting

I was premed at Stanford," says Aleta Hayes. "I worked in a genetics lab, in an emergency room and as a patient advocate. I did all the things you do to get into medical school. And I liked science. But I wasn't meant to do it."
     Hayes, performer and choreographer, is in her fifth year at Princeton as lecturer in the Council of the Humanities and Theater and Dance.
     Even when she meant to be a doctor, she says, "I was always doing arts things, rushing from the lab to a dance class or a cello lesson or a painting class."

Obituaries of retired employees

February: Philip Ciebiera, 80 (1974-1984, Machine Shop); Mildred Hann, 83 (1967-1977, East Asian Studies); Edward Walsh, 81 (1973-1985, Plasma Physics); and Rebecca Werkman, 87 (1955-1967, Mathematics). •



Princeton's team of freshmen -- Jeff Hoppes, Mike Chiswick-Patterson, Faith Hillis and David Sachs -- won the third annual intercollegiate championship held by the National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Edmund Keeley, Charles Barnwell Straut Professor of English, Emeritus, has been honored by the American Academy of Arts and Letters with a special award in literature for his "distinguished career as a translator." •

Jewish life

Rabbi Edward Feld (c), who directed Princeton Hillel from 1973 to 1992, returned to campus with his family on April 18 for a brunch reception at the Center for Jewish Life (CJL). Nearly 200 people attended the event, which marked the conclusion of CJL's yearlong celebration of 50 Years of Hillel at Princeton. Speakers included Aaron Lemonick, professor of physics and dean of the faculty, emeritus; Joseph Williamson, dean of religious life; Harmon Grossman '81 and Mindy Horrow '76; and Feld's wife Merle, who read from her newly published memoir, A Spiritual Life. The event also celebrated the establishment of the Rabbi Edward Feld Fund for program enrichment at CJL. (photo by Ron Carter) •


Baseball. With four wins against Columbia, Princeton clinched its fourth consecutive Gehrig Division Championship on April 25. (20-15, 12-4 Ivy)

Lacrosse. The men defeated Cornell 9-6 on April 24 and Syracuse 15-14 on April 25, winning their fifth straight Ivy title. Josh Sims '00 scored the game-winning goal against Syracuse with 25 seconds remaining in the fourth overtime. The women beat Pennsylvania 17-3 on April 21 but lost to Dartmouth 8-7 on April 24. (Men: 7-3, 5-0 Ivy; women: 11-3, 5-1 Ivy)

Tennis. Both men and women completed their regular season with wins over Cornell on April 23 and Columbia on April 25. (Men: 16-7; women: 12-5 overall, 5-2 Ivy)
