Princeton Weekly Bulletin March 22, 1999

Grants available

Visit the web site for the Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) at for information on many funding opportunities, including those listed below. Questions may be directed to Jan Anderson or Lisa Kulp of ORPA (258-3976 or 258-4958). Grant applications are available in limited numbers from ORPA unless otherwise noted.

Energy Foundation
(415) 561-6700

Open deadline; proposals considered up to 12 weeks before directors' meetings in late June, early November and early March. Grants support initiatives by US non-profit institutions that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in utilities, buildings, transportation, renewable energy and integrated issues.

Franklin Institute Awards 2000
(215) 448-1181

May 30. Bower Award and Prize for Leadership in Science for outstanding work in environmental sciences related to earth environment.

May 30. Bower Award for Business Leadership to a leader of American business related to earth environment.

No deadline. Ben Franklin Medal for achievement in science and technology.

Fulbright Scholar Awards
(202) 686-7877

August 1. US Faculty and Professionals 2000-2001. Awards for lecturing or advanced research in arts and humanities, social sciences, natural and applied sciences, and professional fields such as business, journalism and law, for periods of two months to full academic year. US citizens with PhD or comparable pro-fessional experience are eligible. For lecturing, college teaching experience is expected; most lectures are in English.

International Research, Exchanges Board
(202) 628-8188

June 1. Short-term travel grants. Support travel associated with scholarly projects in humanities and social sciences focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia and Mongolia. Awards proivide up to $3,000 for 14 days for postdoctoral scholars who are US citizens or permanent residents.

November 1. Individual advanced research opportunities. Grants for two to 12 months support travel and expenses for research at institutions in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia in policy research and development, humanities and social sciences, crossdisciplinary studies, and foreign language and area studies, by scholars who are US citizens or permanent residents.

National Endowment for Humanities
(800) NEH-1121

April 15. Humanities focus grants.

May 1. Fellowships; challenge grants.

July 1. Preservation and access projects.

September 1. Collaborative research.

October 1. Summer stipends (University nomination required; contact ORPA for details).

National Historical Publications, Records Commission
(202) 501-5610

June 1. Proposals accepted from US citizens on projects now in progress that make use of papers of US founding fathers; historical documentation to strengthen nation's archival infrastructure; or electronic appraisal, preservation, dissemination and access of important documentary sources.

October 1. Proposals accepted from US citizens focusing on protection and accessibility of historically significant records; publication of documentary editions; and methods, tools and training in documentary work.

Awards for both categories are $5,000 to $250,000.

National Human Genome Research Institute

April 5, August 5, December 5. Postdoctoral and senior fellowships support training of scientists and scholars who are US citizens or permanent resi-dents for research related to genome project. Areas include ethical, legal and social implications of human genetics research; and genomic analysis, including technology development. Awards range from $20,292 to $32,300.

National Institutes of Health

May 1. Predoctoral fellowship awards for minority students. Provide up to five years of support for research training leading to PhD, MD/PhD or other combined professional doctorate/ research degrees in biomedical or behavioral sciences. Open to US nationals or permanent residents; priority is given to applications from African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Pacific Islanders and others underrepresented in biomedical or behavioral research nationally.

National Research Council
(202) 334-2644

April 5, July 30. Collaboration in basic science and engineering. Program pro-vides grants to US citizens or permanent residents who plan to establish new research partnerships with colleagues in Central or Eastern Europe and or states of the former Soviet Union. Short-term project development grants of $2,500 to $2,750 for 10 to 14 days fund travel or hosting a visiting colleague, and long-term grants of $1,800 to $2,300 per month plus $1,500 fund travel or hosting of visiting colleague, supplies and living expenses.
(202) 334-2658

June 18. Governance in Post-Communist Societies. Program supports travel by US citizens or permanent residents to Central Europe and former Soviet Union for two to six weeks to conduct research. Sub-themes for 1999 competition are Science and Democratization; and Organized Crime, Terrorism and Proli-feration of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

National Science Foundation
(703) 306-1234

May 31. President's National Medal of Science.


June 15. Ecosystem studies; long- term research in environmental biology; population biology; systemic and population biology; systematics.

July 10. Metabolic biochemistry; molecular biochemistry; molecular biophysics; biomolecular processes; microbial genetics; biochemistry of gene expression; biomolecular structure and function; signal transduction and cellular regulation; cellular organization; eu-karyotic genetics; cell biology; genetics; neuroscience; neuroendocrinology; neuronal and glial mechanisms; behavioral neuroscience; development neuroscience; sensory systems; computational neuroscience; animal behavior; integrative animal biology; ecological and evolutionary physiology; integrative plant biology; physiology and ethology; animal development; plant and microbial development; developmental mechanisms; evolution of developmental mechanisms.

August 30. Instrument development for biological research.

September 3. Biological research collections.

October 4. Multi-user biological equipment and instrumentation resources.

November 1. Postdoctoral research fellowships in biological informatics.

Computer,Information Sciences

April 30. Wireless information technology and networks.

May 14. CISE educational innovation program (contact ORPA for details of required internal review prior to submission).

May 17. Digital Libraries Initiative-Phase 2.

June 1. Networking research.

July 1. Advanced computation research: Software tools.

July 31. Connections to the Internet.

August 4. Instrumentation grants for research in computer and information science and engineering.

August 15. Special projects in networking.

September 15. Information and data management.

October 1. NSF-CNPq collaborative research.


April 15. Preproposals due for Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training (contact ORPA for details of required internal review prior to submission).

May 5. Graduate teaching fellows in K-12 education.

May 17. Knowledge and distributed intelligence.

June 9. Phase I proposals for small business innovation research.

June 15. Biocomplexity: Phase I

Education, Human Resources

April 1. Letters of intent for Interagency Education Research Initiative.

April 12. Minority graduate education.

April 14. Preliminary proposals for advanced technological education.

October 14, proposals. May 10, full proposals.

May 1. Preliminary proposals for Excellence in Teacher Preparation, system-wide focus; September 1, proposals. Preliminary proposals for small experimental projects in Gender Equity in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology.

May 14. Interagency Education Research Initiative.

June 7. Course, curriculum and lab improvement (contact ORPA for details of required internal review prior to submission).


April 1. Design and integration engineering; manufacturing processes and equipment; operations research and production systems.

April 12. Abstracts for engineering sciences for modeling and simulation-based life-cycle engineering; May 10. Full proposals

April 30. Wireless information tech-nology and networks.

May 21. Combined research-curriculum development (contact ORPA for details of required internal review before submission).

June 4. Engineering microsystems: XYZ on a chip.


April 23. US weather research.

June 1. Continental dynamics.

August 15. Ocean drilling.

December 1. Continental dynamics.


October 1. NSF-CNPq collaborative research; US-Japan collaborative research in urban earthquake disaster mitigation.

Math, Physical Sciences

June 18. Letter of intent for vertical integration of research and education in mathematical sciences (contact ORPA for details of required internal review prior to submission); July 19, proposals.

July 6. Chemistry research instrumentation and facilities.

August 31. Advanced technologies and instrumentation.

September 1. Stellar astronomy and astrophysics.

September 15. Mid-career methodological opportunities.

September 21. Galactic astronomy.

October 1. Physical foundation of enabling technologies.

October 10. Analysis.

Polar Programs

April 30. HARC: Human dimensions of the Arctic system.

June 1. Antarctic research.

June 2. Operation of the Antarctic bibliography and bibliography on cold reasons science and technology.

August 1. Arctic research.

Social, Behavioral Sciences

July 15. Social psychology; linguistics; human cognition and perception; child learning and development.

August 1. Societal dimensions of engineering, science and technology; science and technology studies.

August 15. Methodology, methods and statistics; decision, risk and management science; economics.

September 15. Mid-career methodological opportunities.

Naval Research Laboratory

American Society for Engineering Education
(202) 331-3525

January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1. Postdoctoral fellowships. Participants work in Navy lab with senior NRL scientists and engineers in acoustics; hydrodynamics; chemistry; aerodynamics; astrophysics; electronic devices; biotechnology; oceanography; communications, command control and intelli- gence; computer hardware and software; materials; target detection; weaponry; signal processing; simulation; training; manufacturing; construction; and logis-tics. Awards are $42,000 for one year, renewable for one or two years. Candidate must be US citizen or permanent resident.

Research Corp.
(520) 571-1111

May 1. Research Innovation Awards. Support faculty members in PhD-granting departments of astronomy, chemistry or physics in US and Canada; first tenure-track position must have begun in preceding or current calendar year. Awards of up to $35,000 for direct expenses only.

May 1, October 1. Research Oppor-tunity Awards. Support tenured scientists seeking to explore new research, nominated by chair of PhD-granting astronomy, chemistry or physics department. Awards range from $10,000 to $25,000.

September 1. Cottrell Scholars Awards. Support tenure-track assistant professors in PhD-granting departments of astronomy, chemistry or physics; must be in third year of first tenure track position. Award is $50,000.