Princeton Weekly Bulletin March 1, 1999

Shanghai ghetto




Graduate students in architecture at the University of Hong Kong visited Princeton in December to meet with counterparts in a collaborative studio project. The project focused on a plan to redevelop Shanghai's Jewish ghetto, a vestige of the Japanese occupation of the city during World War II. Students from Hong Kong, Princeton and the University of Shanghai each developed their own programs for the site, then exchanged ideas in meetings and through correspondence.

Princeton participants met their counterparts at Shanghai in October. The cooperative studio program began at Princeton in 1995 as a response to the increasing enrollment of international students and a growing belief that students should be exposed to intercultural aspects of architectural practice.

Professor of Architecture Mario Gandelsonas has led the studio since its inception. This year's 11 Princeton participants included graduate students from Britain, Canada, Germany, Turkey, Sri Lanka and Korea. (photo: Denise Applewhite)