Princeton Weekly Bulletin January 11, 1999

Dean Wilson to serve second term

John F. Wilson, Agate Brown and George L. Collard Professor of Religion and dean of the Graduate School since 1994, has been reappointed to a second five-year term as dean, starting July 1, 1999.

The reappointment was announced by President Shapiro after approval by the executive committee of the board of trustees at its December meeting.

"This is an excellent appointment for the Graduate School and the University as a whole," Shapiro said. "The school has been strengthened under Dean Wilson's leadership, and I look forward to his continued service as we work to further strengthen the school over the years ahead."

The Graduate School has improved its competitive position in recent years by reducing somewhat the scale of its research doctorate programs and concurrently increasing the support it provides for students in them, and it has initiated several new professional masters programs.

In the academic year 2000-01, the school will be celebrating its centennial. In addition to his regular responsibilities as dean, Wilson has been overseeing planning for the centennial and for special efforts within the University's 250th Anniversary campaign to secure support through a Fund for the Centennial that will be largely dedicated to securing additional endowment for graduate fellowships.

Wilson came to Princeton in 1960 as an instructor in the Department of Religion. He served as chair of the department from 1973 to 1980, and was appointed to his current professorship in 1977. He also served as assistant dean of the college from 1965 to 1972 and as master of Forbes College from 1983 to 1992.

A specialist in American religious history whose scholarly research and publications have focused on religion and public life and religious thought, Wilson has directed several scholarly projects at Princeton and has been highly acclaimed as a teacher. He has been a senior fellow of the Council of the Humanities and has won a Behrman Award. His external honors have included selection as a Guggenheim Fellow and as a fellow at the National Humanities Center.