Princeton Weekly Bulletin November 16, 1998


Community photo contest

The University sponsored a photo contest for Community Day, October 10, at the new stadium. Nearly 200 entries were received, illustrating the theme "Faces and Places of Princeton, Town and Gown."

Here are the winners. Adult, color: Rowena Thakore (first place); Ellen Sibitsky (second); Marie Matthews (third); and Laura Goldfeld, Larry Parsons and Ann Peretzman (honorable mention). Adult, black and white: Paul Kallich (first), Beth Stafford (second), Teresa Simao (third) and Sean Cuddahy (honorable mention). High school: Claire Vannerson (first), Sarah Danielson (second), Justin Greenhouse (third) and Becky McNealy (honorable mention). Youth: Gabriela Feibel (first), Alexis Frank (second), Alex Mitchell (third) and Ben Moren (honorable mention).

And here are a few of the prize-winning photos.


First prize, adult, color
(Rowena Thakore)



First prize, high school
(Claire Vannerson)

First prize, adult,
black and white
(Paul Kallich)


First prize, youth
(Gabriel Feibel)


Honorable mention, youth
(Ben Moren)

Second prize, adult,
black and white
(Beth Stafford)

Honorable mention, adult
(Larry Parsons)