November 16, 1998
Volume 88, number 9
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Colloids in space
HHMI supports undergraduate biophysics
Evans takes position as PMI director
Three are promoted to full professor
Asisstant professors join faculty
Scully Hall dedication features picnic, tee-shirt
United Way campaign
Community photo contest winners
Nassau Notes
Athletics Update

Deadlines  All news, photographs and calendar announcements for the Bulletin that covers December 7 through 13 must be received in the Commu-nications office no later than Wednesday, November 25.

Sally Freedman,
Caroline Moseley,
   associate editor
Carolyn Geller, calendar
   and production editor
Denise Applewhite,
Mahlon Lovett,
   Web editon

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Subscribe  Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for the academic year 1998-99 are $24 ($12 for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.



Colloids in space

By Maria LoBiondo

While the nation focused on astronaut John Glenn's return to space, physics professor Paul Chaikin and chemical engineering professor William Russel monitored their own version of a space encore.
    An experiment of theirs with colloids -- fine particles dispersed in a fluid -- was performed on a 1997 shuttle voyage; a similar experiment was conducted during the flight of the space shuttle Discovery from October 29 to November 7. [>>more]


HHMI supports undergraduate biophysics

By Peter Page

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has awarded a $1.9 million grant to support undergraduate education at Princeton, including approximately $740,000 for the University's undergraduate certificate Program in Biophysics.
    The biophysics program, now in its second year, offers undergraduates a curriculum that integrates molecular biology and physics, without giving either discipline superficial treatment, says program director Edward Cox, Edwin Grant Conklin Professor of Biology. [>>more]

Evans takes position as PMI director

Anthony Evans, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, has become director of the Princeton Materials Institute. 
    Evans's research interests include the thermomechanical and structural behaviors of high-performance load-bearing materials and multifunctional systems. He also studies multilayer materials, as well as fundamentals of adhesion at the interfaces of different materials. [>>more]


Three are named full professor

At the trustees' October 24 meeting, three people were promoted to full professor.
    Robert Freidin was named professor in the Council of the Humanities and Gyan Prakash was named professor of history, starting July 1. Leigh Schmidt was named professor of religion, as of September 1. [>>more]


Dedication of Vincent and Celia Scully Hall

Architect Rodolfo Machado (l), President Shapiro and donor John Scully '66 addressed those who attended the October 25 dedication of Vincent and Celia Scully Hall, the first dormitory to be built on campus since 1987. The 260-bed complex is named in honor of trustee Scully's parents. The dedication began at 11:30 a.m. with a barbecue for members of the classes of 1999 and 2000 who live in the dorm. A festive feature was the orange tee-shirts provided for all attendees.


• Professor of Biology, Emeritus, William Jacobs, was presented with the American Society of Plant Physiologists' Barnes Award for lifetime achievement in plant phsyiological research and teaching.
Paul Koonce, assistant professor of music, has been honored by the International Institute for Electro-acoustic Music of Bourges, France, with a Quadrivium section prize in the Electroacoustic Tape Music category for his composition "Walkabout."

