Princeton Weekly Bulletin October 26, 1998

Community Day

October 10, Community Day, brought some 18,000 people to the new Princeton Stadium for fun and football.

The day began with a track meet with more than 150 entrants, despite lowering weather. It continued in the shelter of the new stadium concourse with entertainment for all ages, including face-painters, clowns and strolling musicians. By afternoon, the sun came out, and the day concluded with a 31-17 football victory over Brown University.

Pam Hersh (r), director of Community and State Affairs, handed out certificates to the winners of a community photo contest that drew nearly 200 entries. Ann Peretzman (l) won honorable mention for a color portrait taken in Prospect Garden.

Tiger decked out in Princeton gear was the door prize, which went to Carrie Longmuir of Hamilton.

First prize winners in the track meet

Town and gown athletes participated in a track meet that included a 50-meter dash for boys under nine (above), as well as one for girls, and other events for older children and adults.

Photos: Ron Carter