October 12, 1998
Volume 88, number 5
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Faculty group assesses admission process
Senior lives in two worlds
University alters health care options
At the Art Museum: 25 yrs of Photography
Nassau Notes

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Copy deadlines

Deadlines. All news, photographs and calendar announcements for the Bulletin that covers the two-week period October 26 through November 8 must be received in the Communications office no later than Friday, October 16.

Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and production editor:
Carolyn Geller
    Denise Applewhite,
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

Princeton University
Office of Communications
Stanhope Hall
Princeton NJ 08544
Tel 609/258-3601
Fax 609/258-1301



Senior lives in two worlds

Majka Burhardt '99 lives in two worlds: one at sea level, as a Princeton University senior, the other at altitudes up to and above 20,000 feet, as a climber and, as of last May, a professional mountain guide for the American Alpine Institute (AAI) in Bellingham, Wash.
      "I've been interested in the outdoors since I went to Girl Scout camp at the age of five," says Burhardt, who grew up in Minneapolis. A daughter of "very active" parents, she went on "many extended canoe trips" in the boundary waters of Minnesota and also did "a lot of skiing" as a nationally ranked downhill racer when she was 12 and 13 years old. [>>more]

Faculty group assesses admission process

A special faculty Study Group chaired and convened by President Shapiro last spring to review Princeton's undergraduate admission process has issued a 13-page report that commends the work of the Admission Office, identifies a number of challenges that Princeton must meet to sustain the long-term excellence of its undergraduate student body, and makes several specific recommendations for changes in admission policy and practice.
    The Study Group's most far-reaching recommendation is that ... [>>more]

University alters health care options

Beginning October 19, many Princeton faculty and staff will need to elect a new form of health insurance, as the University alters the array of options it provides.
      In January, the indemnity plan administered by Aetna U.S. Healthcare, known as the Princeton Health Care Plan, will be discontinued and replaced by a preferred provider organization (PPO) plan administered by United HealthCare. [>>more]

Photography at Princeton

Photography at Princeton: Celebrating 25 Years of Collecting and Teaching the History of Photography" is on view at the Art Museum through January 3. [>>more]

