Princeton Weekly Bulletin September 13, 1998

Faculty gains 14 assistant professors

The following assistant professors have been appointed to the faculty.

In Art and Archaeology, Esther da Costa Meyer is interested in the history of modern architecture. She has a 1974 Licence ès Lettres from the University of Geneva and a 1977 MA and 1987 PhD from Yale University, where she has been a member of the faculty since 1988 and associate professor since 1997.

In Economics and the Woodrow Wilson School, Chang-Tai Hsieh studies macroeconomics and international economics. A 1991 graduate of Swarthmore College, he earned his 1998 PhD at the University of California, Berkeley with a dissertation on the measurement and explanation of economic growth.

In Geosciences, Hans-Peter Bunge's area of expertise is geophysics. He has a 1987 BS in geology and 1988 BS in physics from Eberhard-Karls University of Tubingen and a 1996 PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He has been a research associate at the Institute de Physique du Globe, Paris since 1996.

In Germanic Languages and Literatures, Therese Ahern Augst studies language, literature and culture. She has a 1989 BA from the University of California, Davis and 1992 MA and 1997 PhD degrees from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since 1995 she has been an instructor, first at UC Santa Barbara and then at ESL Language Centers in Santa Barbara.

In Mathematics, Xiuxiong Chen specializes in partial differential equations and differential geometry. He earned a 1987 bachelor's degree in math from the University of Science and Technology, a 1989 MA from Academic Sinica in China and a 1994 PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. An instructor at McMaster University from 1994 to 1996, he has been a lecturer at Stanford University since 1996.

Also in Mathematics, Peter Ozsvath is interested in gauge theory. He has a 1989 BS from Stanford University and a 1994 PhD from Princeton. A research instructor at California Institute of Technology for three years, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology last summer and has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study this past year.

Also in Mathematics, Gigliola Staffilani studies analysis and partial differential equations. He has a 1989 Laurea from the University of Bologna, and 1991 MS and 1995 PhD degrees from the University of Chicago. A member of the Institute for Advanced Study in 1995-96, he has been assistant professor at Stanford since 1996.

In Music, Wendy Heller's field is musicology. She has a 1978 bachelor of music degree in vocal performance and a 1984 master of music from New England Conservatory of Music. She received her PhD in 1995 from Brandeis University. She has taught at the New England and Boston conservatories, Connecticut College, and Tufts, Brandeis and Columbia universities.

Also in Music, Barbara Ann White studies composition. She has a 1987 BA from Harvard/Radcliffe Colleges and a 1994 master of music and 1997 PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. She has been a lecturer at Pennsylvania State University, Erie since 1997.

In Near Eastern Studies, Samah Selim's field of specialization is Arabic literature and language. A graduate of Barnard College, she earned her 1992 MA, 1993 MPhil and 1997 PhD from Columbia University, where she has been adjunct instructor for the past year.

In Physics, Uros Seljak, who studies cosmology, has a 1989 BS and 1991 MS from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. With a 1995 PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics for the past three years.

Also in Physics, Thomas Shutt's field is nuclear physics. A 1986 graduate of Texas A&M University, he earned his 1993 PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has since been a research fellow at the Center for Particle Astrophysics.

In Politics, Karen Stenner specializes in American politics. She has a 1987 BA from the University of Queensland, Australia and 1995 MA and 1997 PhD degrees from the State University of New York, Stony Brook, where she was an instructor in 1995. She was assistant professor at Duke University from 1996.

In the Woodrow Wilson School and Politics, Deborah Yashar's field is comparative politics. She has an 1985 AB from Brown University and 1986 MA and 1992 PhD degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. At Harvard University since 1992, she was an assistant professor for four years and became associate professor in 1996.

All appointments are for three years starting July 1, except those of Augst, Bunge, Heller, Selim and White, which begin September 1, and Seljak, which is for two and a half years beginning February 1, 1999.

Senior lecturer

Pascale Hubert-Leibler has been promoted to senior lecturer in Romance languages and literatures for three years, effective July 1. A specialist in literature and translation educated at the University of Paris III, he came to Princeton as visiting lecturer in 1992 and was named lecturer in 1994.

Preceptors appointed

The following assistant professors have received preceptorships for three years, starting July 1.

In Politics, Sheri Berman has been named William G. Bowen Presidential Preceptor; in History, Angela Creager, Beulah Rollins Preceptor, and Emmanuel Kreike, William Sauter LaPorte '28 Preceptor in Regional Studies; in Music, Paul Koonce, Class of 1931 Preceptor, and Robert Wegman, John Witherspoon Preceptor; in Art and Archaeology, Thomas Leisten, George H. and Mildred F. Whitfield Preceptor in the Humanities; and in Romance Languages and Literatures, Luiza Moreira, Robert Remsen Laidlaw '04 Preceptor in the Humanities.

Gordon Moskowitz, assistant professor of psychology, has been named Lawrence S. Brodie Preceptor in Psychology for two years starting July 1.