Princeton Weekly Bulletin June 8, 1998




Stuart Professor Philosophy Paul Benacerraf, Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor of Engineering David Billington, Professor of Physics Francis Dahlen and Professor of Sociology Alejandro Portes are among 146 fellows elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

For Venice and Antiquity: The Venetian Sense of the Past , Professor of Art and Archaeology Patricia Brown has been awarded the 1998 Phyllis Goodhart Gordon Book Prize by the Renaissance Society of America for the best book in Renaissance studies.

Harry C. Wiess Professor in the Life Sciences Arnold Levine has been awarded the Clowes Award by the Eli Lilly Co. for ''groundbreaking work as codiscoverer of the p53 gene'' and the Bertner Award from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for his ''contribution to our understanding of cell and tumor cell biology.''

Deanna Pagnini, assistant professor of sociology and public affairs, has received a five-year $250,000 award from the William T. Grant Foundation Faculty Scholar's Program for a project on ''Individual and Neighborhood Effects on Infant and Child Health in Philadelphia.''

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Wayne Wolf was elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Professor of English Susan Wolfson's book Formal Charges has been chosen as ''the outstanding book in the field of Romanticism studies'' by the American Conference on Romanticism.


Eric Bonkovsky '98 is one of five Princetonians in the Teacher Preparation Program recognized by the state with Distinguished Teacher Candidate Awards this year. The others were Lynda Chin, Elsi Heilala, Holly Kileff and Misha Simmonds, all Class of 1997. All Princeton's allowable candidates won awards this year.

The Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies have been awarded to senior Kathryn Evans, as well as three recent graduates, Elise Andaya '97, Andrew Piper '95 and Jenny Smith '97.

Dana Gooley, graduate student in music, has received a dissertation fellowship from the American Musicological Society on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Gooley's dissertation topic is ''Liszt and His Audiences, 1820-1847: Virtuosity, Criticism and Society in the Virtuosenzeit.''

Fei Fei Li, Evangeline Su and Lisa Wong, all Class of '99, have been awarded fellowships for 1998-99 under the Minority Academic Career Program, a statewide initiative to encourage minority students to consider college teaching as a profession.


William C. Stewart '00, was killed on June 1 in a car accident.

In Butler College his freshman and sophomore years, Stewart was to major in economics. He was a member of the Campus Crusade for Christ and Athletes in Action, a student worker with Dining Services and a volunteer with the Princeton Fire Department.

Stewart is survived by his parents, Monria Lou and William, and brother Michael.