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Editor: Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and production
Carolyn Geller
    Denise Applewhite,
    Robert P. Matthews
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Office of Communications. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for the rest of the academic year 1997-98 are $6 (half price for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.

May 11, 1998 Volume 87, number 27 | Index

Calendar of events | Employment opportunities | Other Princeton news

Faculty appointments, promotions, resignations (full text)
Graduate students staff Web Factory
"A trustee initiative on alcohol abuse"
Other faculty news
Communiversity (photographs by Ron Carter) (full page)

Two-week issue
This issue of the Princeton Weekly Bulletin covers two weeks, May 11 through 24. The copy deadline for the next issue, which covers May 25 through June 7, is May 15.

Graduate students staff Web Factory (full text)
There is increasing Princeton faculty presence on the World Wide Web, thanks to a program called Web Factory.
    A recent initiative of the PLACE (Princeton Laboratory for Advancing Curricular Excellence, at 87 Prospect St.), Web Factory sends graduate students hired and trained by Computing and Information Technology to help faculty learn to put their course materials on the Web. "Our mission is to empower faculty to use new media -- meaning digital media -- in their courses," says David Herrington, manager of the PLACE. This academic year Web Factory is responsible for 54 course pages. ...

A trustee initiative on alcohol abuse (full text)
For more than a year, a special subcommittee of the Trustee Committee on Student Life, Health and Athletics has been assessing the use and abuse of alcohol on campus.
    Chaired by Dr. Marsha Levy-Warren '73, the subcommittee gathered pertinent information from Princeton and other universities, and met with the administration's Alcohol Advisory Group, college masters, coaches, eating club officers, members of the Graduate Interclub Council, the director of Public Safety and other relevant University personnel.
    At its April 25 meeting, the Board of Trustees thoroughly reviewed the subcommittee's work and agreed with its conclusion that, despite strong efforts by the University over recent years, alcohol abuse continues to be a serious problem on the Princeton campus. ...

Other faculty news
Professors of Computer Science Andrew Appel and Kai Li have been named fellows of the Association for Computing.

The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has awarded fellowships to Associate Professor of Music Scott Burnham for a project on "Mozart, Schubert and the music of Romantic subjectivity," Professor of Mathematics Demetrios Christodoulou ("black holes and space-time singularities"), Professor of Art and Archaeology Harold Foster ("definitions of artistic medium and aesthetic field in modernism"), Bayard Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies Abdellah Hammoudi ("the pilgrimage to Mecca as a ritual process"), Charles and Marie Robertson Professor of International Affairs Kenneth Rogoff ("strategic aspects of international macroeconomic policy"), Professor of Civil Engineering and Operations Research Salvatore Torquato ("biological materials and growth processes") and Professor of Economics Michael Woodford ("monetary policy without money").

Many happy returns
Mrs. Lapins of Dining Services celebrated her 80th birthday on April 30 at the Student Center. "When I asked for the day off," she said, "my bosses told me I couldn't have it. But this is why: they made a celebration for me, with balloons and presents and cake for everybody." So she got her day off on May 1, her actual birthday.

Princeton in Beijing
(photograph) As leader of the Princeton delegation to the Peking University Centenary Celebration in Beijing, Robert Rawson '66 (r), chair of the trustees' executive committee, hosted a breakfast for Peking University President Chen Jia-er (l) and members of his staff.
    The breakfast was held on May 1 in conjunction with the two-day Peking University Symposium on Education in the 21st Century. Rawson presented President Chen with a letter of congratulations from President Harold Shapiro and a copy of Universities and Their Leadership, a book of essays presented at Princeton's 250th Anniversary Conference on Higher Education, edited by Shapiro and Princeton President Emeritus William Bowen. Princeton's delegation also included Dean of the Faculty Joseph Taylor. Rawson and Taylor attended a reception sponsored by the Princeton Club of Beijing for Chinese leaders and Princeton alumni, in recognition of the historic ties between Princeton and Peking universities and the influence of Peking University and its alumni on present-day China.