April 20, 1998 | Volume 87, number 25 | Previous | Next | Index
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Exhibit marks donation of Milberg Collection of Irish Poetry to Firestone Library

"Whatever is
well made"

By Justin Harmon

To mark the acquisition of the Leonard L. Milberg '53 Collection of Irish Poetry, which comprises more than 1,100 printed works by 50 poets from the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland, an exhibit of materials from the collection will be on display in the Main and Milberg galleries of Firestone Library from April 27 through September 20.
     The exhibit's title, "Sing whatever is well made: The Leonard L. Milberg '53 Collection of Irish Poetry," is taken from a line in "After Ben Bulben" by W.B. Yeats. In the exhibit are approximately 150 items: first and significant editions of the poets' books, broadsides, translations into English, children's books, fiction and nonfiction, and ephemera such as poem cards. Other items include a box of pen nibs belonging to James Joyce and a framed holograph poem written by Seamus Heaney on the occasion of Paul Muldoon's 40th birthday. ...

Above: Irish poets W.B. Yeats (l), Seamus Henney, and PaulMuldoon, by David Levine.

Rao to become ombuds officer
 Anu Rao will become the University's ombuds officer, effective July 1. Currently an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Social Work at Bryn Mawr, Rao will devote two days a week to Princeton's Ombuds Office as she completes her academic appointment this semester.
     Rao served as interim ombuds officer at Princeton from June through December 1997. She served as director of training and organizational development at Princeton from 1988 to 1992. ...

One America. Antony Taylor '01 was one of several speakers who addressed some 150 students, faculty and staff participating in the April 7 forum, "One America: Can't We All Just Get Along?" Organized in response to President Clinton's call for a Campus Week of Dialogue on Race, the forum was sponsored by 17 campus groups."This is just one part of Princeton's ongoing efforts to promote dialogue on race and diversity," notes Associate Provost Joann Mitchell. (Photo: Susan Geller)

Ambassador's aide reports on Japan
By Mary Caffrey

Japan's current economic problems are influenced by the country's distinctive way of doing business to a far greater degree than most Americans appreciate, according to Kent Calder, associate professor of politics and international affairs.
     Calder, director of Princeton's Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, is currently on leave, serving as special adviser to U.S. Ambassador Thomas Foley at the American Embassy in Tokyo. On April 7 he gave a talk at the Center for International Studies in Bendheim Hall before returning to Japan. ...

Annual concert features students of physics in April 18 celebration of 10-year anniversary

A break from equations
By Caroline Moseley

What do pianist Donald Priour, violinist David Relyea, saxophonist Mark van Raamsdonk and Gershwin-singer Steven Gubser have in common?
     Obviously, an interest in music. That they're all physics graduate students is less obvious. Yet these physicist-musicians and eight others, both undergraduate and graduate students, perform on April 18 in one of Princeton's most popular musical events: the annual Physics Department Concert. ...

24th annual
International Festival
Dillon Gym, April 5

Nassau Notes
Washington Post writer looks at social insurance ... Schultz talk explores work, social justice ... Sprinzak speaks on weapons of mass destruction ... Evnin Lecture ... Pulitzer Prize winner reports on Russia ... Lecture discusses history of Shoah ... New Media hosts cinema director ... For all ages ... Freshman plays for Mindlin concert ... Communiversity '98 ... Broadmead Swim Club

Weekly Bulletin

Editor: Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Senior writer:
JoAnn Gutin
    Denise Applewhite,
    Robert P. Matthews
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

Subscriptions. The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for spring semester 1997-98 are $12 (half price for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.