April 6, 1998 | Volume 87, number 23 | Previous | Next | Index
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Students develop Bioethics Forum to consider issues in discussions, in journal, on Web

Just pick up the phone
By JoAnn Gutin

The Princeton Bioethics Forum was born with a simple phone call. Today, scarcely three years later, it has its own journal, its own speaker series, its own Web page, its own artist-designed T-shirt and soon (members hope) its own endowment. But phone calls are still a forum mainstay: founder Erica Seiguer '98, current president Katie Tillman '99 and any of the officers will call anybody and ask anything to advance the fledgling organization.
    The phone call that launched the forum was a routine call home. ...

Evrica Seiguer '98 (l), Cate Paskoff '99, Marc Otten '99,
and Emily Tepe '00

Dale fellowship supports
film project

By Mary Caffrey

When Mora Stephens '98 spent last summer turning her short story of a homeless girl and her family into a script, she dreamt of making it into a film. How that would happen remained a question.
    Thanks to a $20,000 Martin A. Dale '53 Fellowship, Stephens will begin rehearsals for her film, Betty Dove, in July. When she learned of the fellowship, she said, "I almost couldn't believe it. I thought it would take me years of struggling in the film industry before I could direct my first feature."

EEB professor studies cost of conservation
By JoAnn Gutin

On a mellow evening in September 1995, Andrew Dobson, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, was sitting on a beach in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with a couple of colleagues, sipping a drink and thinking about economics.
    In one way, the subject marked something of a change for Dobson: an ecologist, his specialties are the population dynamics of birds and mammals, the epidemiology of infectious diseases, theoretical ecology, and wildlife conservation. In another way, though, finance is not as much of a stretch as it sounds. ...

John Turkevich, 91; Arthur B. Link, 77

Nassau Notes
Princeton Atelier ... Program honors Paul Robeson ... CJL celebrates 50 years of Jewish Life ... Documentary filmmaker visits campus ... Paul Dresher Emsemble plays in Taplin ... University Picnic T-shirt contest ... Community service day ...

Weekly Bulletin

Editor: Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Senior writer:
JoAnn Gutin
    Denise Applewhite,
    Robert P. Matthews
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

Subscriptions. The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for spring semester 1997-98 are $12 (half price for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.