March 23, 1998 | Volume 87, number 21 | Previous | Next | Index
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Freshman discovers household disinfectants promote bacteria resistant to anitbiotics

Germ warfare
By JoAnn Gutin

Who says television rots your brain? Five years ago, Merri Moken '01 was watching TV when she happened to see commercial for a household cleanser, and the experience changed her life. Inspired to investigate the advertiser's claims, 13-year-old Moken embarked on what became thousands of hours of independent scientific research. Two months ago she published her findings in a scientific journal; within the past few weeks, she's been featured as a scientific phenom by media both here and abroad. But most importantly, Moken has made what could be a significant scientific discovery: she's the first person to document the scary fact that by using common household disinfectants we're creating strains of mutant, antibiotic-resistant bacteria. ...

Psychologist's research ideas focus on college populations -- including Princeton students

"People in my own environment"
By Caroline Moseley

Deborah Prentice, associate professor of psychology, has always been interested in "studying the people in my own environment." While "psychological theory always informs my thinking," she says, "I tend to get my ideas for research from the people and events around me." Hence, a great deal of her research has involved college populations -- including Princeton students. ...

University-wide project provides 1,102 new,
standard desktop computing systems

PDI: Where are we now?
By Justin Harmon

Dale and John Grieb, the couple most responsible for the implementation of the initiative to standardize administrative computing hardware and software, no longer stage planning meetings in their kitchen over scrambled eggs at 3:00 a.m. "I have a life!" observes Dale, with apparent disbelief. "Wow."
     Dale, who already had a full-time job as department manager in Chemical Engineering, spent a year (and much overtime) as chair of the team charged with identifying the right hardware and software, purchasing it, installing it, and training staff to use it. John, whose day job is lead programmer analyst in the Office of the Registrar, was the team member who oversaw the installation of new machines and the upgrading of existing machines to the new standard. ...

Celebrating women of color

Associate Provost Joann Mitchell (l) congratulates honorees Angela Lam of Building Services, Vivian Kane of Dining Services and Assistant Dean for Graduate Affairs Joy Montero at the Women of Color Daycelebration held at the Third World Center on March 5.

The celebration included dinner for 200 and performances by singers Angelica Gutierrez '99 and Jacqueline Swain of the Teacher Preparation Program, the Witherspoon Street Verse Speakers Choir and the student group Voices of Color. This is the 10th anniversary of the designation of March 1 as Women of Color Day.

Nassau Notes

Evnin Lecture: "The Vanishing Life on Earth: Do We Really Care?"
Perlman lecture addresses environmental justice
Hertzberg delivers Bowen Lecture
England's Lindsay String Quartet will perform
'Theatre Intime presents Noel Coward"s "Hay Fever"
EE/Physics Junior plays Lizst, Schubert, Bach
Modern dance performance by En la brega
Prospect offers Mardi Gras menu
Dillon Pool closes March 28 for renovation

Princeton Weekly Bulletin

Editor: Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Senior writer:
JoAnn Gutin
    Denise Applewhite,
    Robert P. Matthews
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

Subscriptions. The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for spring semester 1997-98 are $12 (half price for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.