Princeton Weekly Bulletin, March 2, 1998

Alumni Day, 1998

At the annual midwinter luncheon of the Alumni Association, the Pyne Prize, the University's highest undergraduate honor, was awarded to two women: English major Julie Lee (l) and psychology major Shalani Alisharan (above, with Tshaka Cunningham '96)

Clair Adjiman, graduate student in chemical engineering, received the Jacobus Fellowship for scholarly excellence from President Shapiro.

Eric Lander '78, mathematician and molecular biologist, gave a lecture on "Human Genetics and Human Society." Lander was this year's recipient of the Wilson Award for an undergraduate alumnus or alumna whose achievements exemplify Woodrow Wilson's phrase, "Princeton in the nation's service."

Pianist, author and critic Charles Rosen '48 *51 gave a recital of works by Mozart, Brahms and Handel. Rosen was awarded the Madison Medal, which is conferred each year on an outstanding alumnus or alumna of the Graduate School.

Among the many faculty presentations for Alumni Day participants and families was the Soap Bubble Geometry Contest. It was organized by Frank Morgan, distinguished visiting professor of mathematics.

Annual Giving awards (l): The Class of 1926 Trophy for the class that has raised the largest amount in the current campaign was accepted by Clyde Rankin (l) for the Class of 1972, while AG chair Richard Scribner '58 celebrated with the winners; the Helm Award for "exemplary and sustained service" was given to Robert Murley '72; and the Horton Award for an outstanding regional committee was accepted by Robert Ling '64 for the committee of New York City.