From the Princeton Weekly Bulletin, October 20, 1997

Congress adds $5 million to fusion funding

On September 24, the House-Senate Conference Committee on Energy and Water agreed on an appropriation of $232 million dollars for the U.S. fusion energy sciences program in fiscal year 1998, which began October 1. This level represents a net increase of $5 million for fusion research over the FY 1997 budget, and it includes funding for magnetic fusion energy research at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPL), provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

"We find it very encouraging that the Congress has actually added $5 million above the Administration's funding request and above last year's budget," said PPL Director Robert Goldston. "This action indicates that Congress is supportive of the new directions we are taking in the fusion program. The focus is on scientific innovation and on fundamental under-standing of plasmas. These are areas where we at PPL are especially skilled."

DOE will determine the Plasma Physics Lab's share of the total fusion energy sciences budget within the next few weeks. It is expected to be about $50 million.

The funding provided for the FY 1998 fusion energy sciences program will allow the construction of the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) at Princeton to continue on schedule, and it will mean that design efforts on new projects can be under-taken. It will also permit PPL scientists to enhance collaborations with their colleagues at other fusion facilities in the United States and abroad. PPL will be able to further strengthen its theoretical and computational research capabilities and continue the development of nonfusion applications of plasma science and technology.

The construction and eventual operation of the NSTX device at Princeton is a national effort involving PPL, Oak Ridge National Lab, the University of Washington and Columbia University. The new experiment, which will test an advanced plasma configuration, is scheduled to begin operation in mid-1999.

The FY 1998 budget will also allow continued U.S. participation in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Engineering Design Activity, slated for completion in July 1998.

PPL is managed for DOE by the University.
