September 7, 1997  Volume 87, Number 1 | Prev | Next | Index
Princeton University Office of Communications, Stanhope Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544

Goldston to direct Plasma Physics Lab
Robert Goldston, professor of astrophysical sciences, became the fifth director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPPL) on July 1. Goldston was previously the lab's associate director for research. PPPL is a national laboratory funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), managed and operated by the University. Its personnel are University employees, affiliated in both formal and informal ways with University programs across a range of disciplines.

Topping it off
By Dan White '65

Mt. Princeton climb caps 250th Anniversary

When I flew to Colorado to climb Mt. Princeton with more than 180 alumni and friends to celebrate the final event of the 250th anniversary, I was prepared: I had run, biked, raced up and down the 68 steps in the parking garage a dozen times a day, and purchased Gore-Tex hiking boots. Photo by J.T.Miller'70.

Institute insists on excellence
By Caroline Moseley

Scholar: an erudite person; a specialist in one of the humanities; one who attends school or studies with a teacher; one considered in relation to his or her aptness at learning; a member of the Community of Scholars." So read the T-shirts sported by 39 fourth-graders from the Bronx who participated in this summer's Community of Scholars Summer Institute -- a pilot program held for the first time at the University. Administered by the Office of Religious Life and funded by the Mellon Foundation, the institute was held on campus from July 6 through 31.

Six trustees join Princeton board
Six new trustees joined Princeton's board on July 1: charter trustee Anthony Evnin '62, term trustee Bill Bradley '65, and alumni trustees William Crowe *65, Regis Pecos '77, Suzanne Perles '75 and Sarah Stein '97. All will serve until 2001, except for Evnin, who will serve until 2007.

Princeton's First Lady
By Kathryn Watterson

Vivian Shapiro is "passionately interested not only in her own children, but in all children"

Vivian Shapiro is a woman passionately interested not only in her own children, but in all children. More than 25 years ago, Shapiro and her colleagues in the Child Development Project at the University of Michigan hypothesized that how we grow -- how healthy and able to embrace life we are -- has a lot to do with the nurturing we had as infants.

PWB editor