From the Princeton Weekly Bulletin, June 23, 1997

Ten assistant professors join five departments

The following assistant professors have been appointed to the faculty.

In Chemical Engineering, Jeffrey Carbeck's field of specialization is biomaterials and biophysical chemistry. A 1990 graduate of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, he earned his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1995 and has been a postdoctoral research assistant at Harvard University since then.

In Chemistry, Marcel Nooijen's area is theoretical chemistry. A 1987 graduate of the Free University of Amsterdam, where he received a PhD in 1992, he has been a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Florida since 1993.

In History, Thomas Dandelet studies early modern Europe, and Andrew Isenberg is interested in the history of the American West.

Dandelet has a 1982 BA from St. John's University, a 1988 MA from Princeton Theological Seminary and a 1995 PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Since 1994 he has been assistant professor at Bard College.

Isenberg, a 1986 graduate of St. Olaf College, has a 1990 MA and 1993 PhD from Northwestern University, where he was a lecturer from 1987 to 1992. Assistant professor at the University of Puget Sound from 1992 to 1994 and Brown University since 1994, he was a visiting research fellow at Princeton this year.

In Mathematics, five asssitant professors have been appointed: Almut Burchard, Izabella Laba, Wenzhi Luo, Daniel Sanders and John Stalker.

Burchard, who is interested in functional analysis, has been an instructor at Princeton since 1994. She has a 1989 MS from the University of Heidelberg and a 1994 PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology.

Laba's field is mathematical physics. With a 1986 MSc from the University of Wroclaw and a 1994 PhD from the University of Toronto, she has been assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles since 1994.

Luo, who has been an instructor at Princeton since 1995, has a 1982 BSc from Zhongshan University, a 1988 MSc from Peking University and a 1993 PhD from Rutgers. He was a member of the Institute of Advanced Study from 1993 to 1994 and a member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at Berkeley the following year.

Sanders works in applied math. A 1990 graduate of Mercer University, he has MS degrees in applied math (1991) and operations research (1992) and a 1993 PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology. A short-term visitor at DIMACS (Bellcore) in 1993, he has been at Ohio State University since then, first as a postdoctoral fellow and then as assistant professor.

Stalker, whose interest is complex analysis, has a 1989 BS from Stanford University and a 1993 PhD from Princeton. He has been C.L.E. Moore Instructor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the past four years.

In Molecular Biology, Yigong Shi, whose field is structural biology, has a 1989 BS from Tsinghua University and 1995 PhD from Johns Hopkins University, where he was a postdoctoral fellow the next year. He has been a postdoc at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center since 1996.

All appointments are for three years starting July 1, except Nooijen's, which begins September 1, and those of Carbeck and Shi, which are for three and a half years, starting February 1, 1998.