June 23, 1997  Volume 86, Number 30 | Prev | Next | Index
Princeton University Office of Communications, Stanhope Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544

Andrew WilesMacArthur winner
Photo by DeniseApplewhite

Andrew Wiles, Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics, has been named one of 23 winners of 1997 MacArthur Foundation Fellowships. Wiles's fellowship provides $275,000 over five years. A member of the faculty since 1982, Wiles created an international sensation in 1994 when he published a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, solving a mathematical puzzle that had stumped experts for 350 years.

Shapiro presents cloning report
By Sally Freedman

On June 9, President Shapiro presented to President Clinton a 110-page document: "Cloning Human Beings: Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission" (NBAC). The 18-member commmission, chaired by Shapiro, had been asked by Clinton to "undertake a thorough review of the legal and ethical issues" associated with a new cloning technique that came to world attention in late February, when it was reported that an adult sheep had been cloned in Scotland. NBAC was given 90 days to examine the implications with respect to cloning human beings. (A summary of the report is on page 8.)

Cloning Human Beings
Following is a summary of the report, "Cloning Human Beings," presented by the National Bioethics Advisory Commission to President Clinton on June 9. This article is in press with Science and under embargo; it is presented here with permission for University readers.

Four faculty members receive promotion to full professor
Four associate professors have been promoted to the rank of professor as of July 1: Robert Bagley, Patricia Fortini Brown, Michael Jennings, Maurizio Viroli.

Ten assistant professors join five departments
The following assistant professors have been appointed to the faculty: Jeffrey Carbeck, Marcel Nooijen, Thomas Dandelet, Andrew Isenberg, Almut Burchard, Izabella Laba, Wenzhi Luo, Daniel Sanders, John Stalker, Yigong Shi.

The following faculty members have submitted their resignations...

PWB editor