May 12, 1997  Volume 86, Number 27 | Prev | Next | Index
Princeton University Office of Communications, Stanhope Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544

First Lady opens symposium
By Mary Caffrey

Conference launches Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton called on lawmakers to spend more on childcare and better schools in the keynote address that opened an April 25 conference, "Early Childhood Education," which was the first Symposium on New Jersey Issues. Clinton's address was a highlight of the day-long symposium, the first of what is to be an annual event designed to give N.J. legislators an opportunity to meet scholars and practitioners in a given field. The symposium, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School, was organized in consultation with the N.J. Legislature and the University's Office of Community and State Affairs.

Blind auditions help women
By Mary Caffrey

"Blind" auditions for symphony orchestras have contributed to a substantial increase in the number of women who have secured these positions, according to Cecilia Rouse, assistant professor of economics and public affairs. In a blind audition, a screen is placed so that the evaluator can hear but not see the performer. While screens in final rounds of auditions are still uncommon, the use of screens in preliminary rounds is now a wide-spread practice, Rouse said.

Building a better hairdryer
By Caroline Moseley

Design competition wins students a trip to Bangkok to present plans

An innovative hair dryer design won five of Princeton's nascent engineers a trip to Bangkok, Thailand in March. After competing against six other teams of students in a course called Engineering Design, winners Lina Jin '97, Andy Johnson '98, Matt Nuffort '98, Meeko Oishi '98 and Eric Young '98 were invited by the electronics firm Manica Corp. to present their design to company executives at headquarters in Bangkok.

PWB editor