From the Princeton Weekly Bulletin, April 21, 1997

Assistant professors
to join faculty

The following assistant professors were appointed to the faculty at the trustees' April 4 meeting.

In Classics, Andrew Feldherr specializes in Latin literature. A member of the Class of 1985 (of which he was salutatorian), he earned his 1987 MA and 1991 PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. Assistant professor at Dartmouth College from 1991 to 1996, he is a visiting assistant professor at Columbia this academic year.

In English, Mark Hansen is interested in contemporary and cultural theory. With a 1987 BA from New York University and a 1994 PhD from the University of California, Irvine, he was an adjunct assistant professor at Villanova University from 1992 to 1994 and has been assistant professor at Southwest Texas State University for the past three years.

In Philosophy, Gordon Belot studies the philosophy of physics and of science. He received his 1991 BSc and 1993 MSc from the University of Toronto and his 1996 PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, where he is now a postdoctoral scholar.

In Physics, Mark Chen's area of specialization is experimental nuclear and particle physics. A research associate at Princeton since 1994, he has a 1989 BSc in engineering from Queen's University, Canada, and a 1994 PhD from California Institute of Technology.

In Politics, Patrick Deneen is a political theorist. A 1986 graduate of Rutgers University, he earned his PhD there in 1995 with a dissertation on Homer's Odyssey that won the APSA Leo Strauss Award for the best doctoral dissertation in political philosophy. Since 1994 he has been a special assistant with the U.S. Information Agency.

Also in Politics, Keith Whittington's field is public law. He has 1990 BA and BBA degrees from the University of Texas, Austin and a 1992 MA and 1995 PhD from Yale University. He has been an assistant professor at Catholic University since 1995.

In Religion, Leora Batnitzky is interested in Jewish thought and philosophy of religion. A 1988 graduate of Barnard College andthe Jewish Theological Seminary of America, she has a 1993 MA and 1996 PhD from Princeton. She is an assistant professor at Syracuse University.

In Romance Languages and Literatures, Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel studies Latin American literature and literary theory. A 1989 graduate of the University of Puerto Rico, she received a 1991 MA and 1996 PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, where she is now assistant professor.

In the Woodrow Wilson School, J. Eric Oliver is interested in American politics. A 1988 graduate of Wesleyan University, he has a 1991 MA and a 1997 PhD from the University of California.

All appointments are for three years starting July 1, except those of Belot, Feldherr and Whittington, which begin September 1, and those of Chen and Oliver, which are for three and one-half years and began February 1.