February 17, 1997  Volume 86, Number 17 | Prev | Next | Index
Princeton University Office of Communications, Stanhope Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544

Dancer, philosopher lives in two worlds
By Sally Freedman

Graduate student Jill Sigman traveled to Amsterdam in November to perform in the Annual International Yiddish Festival. She danced a solo piece of her own choreography, "Embers," and another called "Mother's Tongue/I Love You," (pictured, left) with choreographer Ze'eva Cohen (right), professor in the Humanities Council and Theater and Dance.
     Sigman is a fifth year PhD candidate in the Philosophy Department. So what is she doing on stage?
     "I can't not be dancing," she says. "It's the way I explore many things that are important to me."

History major wins Sachs Scholarship
History major Justin Pope '97 has been named this year's winner of the Daniel M. Sachs Class of 1960 Scholarship. He plans to study at Worcester College, Oxford.
     Pope is writing his senior thesis on millennarian groups in 17th-century England, which melds a longstanding interest in British history with an interest in religious history that developed at Princeton.

PWB editor