Princeton Weekly Bulletin   April 28, 2008, Vol. 97, No. 25   prev   next   current

Six new faculty members approved

Princeton NJ — The Board of Trustees has approved the appointment of six new faculty members, all with the rank of assistant professor.

The new faculty members, along with their departments and appointment dates, are: Mariana Candido, history, for a three-year term effective Sept. 1, 2008; Nandita Dukkipati, electrical engineering, for a three-year term effective Sept. 1, 2008; Andrew Houck, electrical engineering, for a three-year term effective Sept. 1, 2008; Yael Niv, psychology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, for a three-year term effective Sept. 1, 2008; Rahul Sagar, politics, for a three-year term effective July 1, 2008; and Mark Zondlo, for a three-and-a-half-year term effective Feb. 1, 2008.

Candido, a specialist in African history, will come to Princeton from the University of Wisconsin, where she has been an assistant professor since 2007. She is a graduate of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and holds a master’s degree from El Colegio de México and a Ph.D. from York University in Canada.

Dukkipati is interested in several areas of networking, including congestion control, routing, protocol design and router/switch architectures in wired and wireless networks. She will come to Princeton from Cisco Systems Inc., where she has worked as a researcher since earning a Ph.D. from Stanford University earlier this year. She is a graduate of the Birla Institute of Technology and Science in India and holds a master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Science.

Houck is a 2000 graduate of Princeton. He earned his Ph.D. at Harvard University in 2005 and has since been a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University. Houck is a specialist in electronic materials and devices.

Niv, whose research focuses on neuroscience, is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Princeton’s Center for the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior. She is a graduate of Tel-Aviv University, where she also earned a master’s degree. Niv received a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Sagar will come to Princeton from Singapore Management University, where he has been an assistant professor since 2007. Sagar studies executive power, drawing on sources in ancient, modern and contemporary political theory. A graduate of the University of Oxford, he holds a master’s degree and Ph.D. from Harvard.

Zondlo, a specialist in environmental engineering and water resources, came to Princeton from Southwest Sciences Inc., where he was a senior research scientist since 2002. Zondlo previously was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He is a graduate of Rice University and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Board approves 14 promotions

The Board of Trustees has approved the promotions of 14 faculty members. All are effective July 1, 2008, except where noted. The faculty members and their departments, by the academic rank to which they are being promoted, are:

ProfessorEdgar Choueiri, mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Associate professorMarc Gygax, classics; David Lewis, politics and public affairs; Pedro Monteiro, Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures; Kenneth Norman, psychology; James Olsen, physics; Li-Shiuan Peh, electrical engineering; Daniel Trueman, music; Dmitri Tymoczko, music; David Walker, computer science.

Assistant professor Dmitry Belyaev, mathematics, for a three-year term; Steven Chung, East Asian studies, for a three-and-a-half year term effective Feb. 1, 2008; Rafaela Dancygier, politics and public affairs, for a three-and-a-half year term effective Feb. 1, 2008; Hossein Namazi, mathematics, for a three-year term.

Faculty members submit resignations

The following faculty members have submitted their resignations:

Effective July 1, 2008: Martin Wikelski, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, to accept a position at the Max Planck Society.

Effective Aug. 31, 2008: Francis McLellan, senior lecturer in Slavic languages and literatures.

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