
Princeton Weekly Bulletin   June 19, 2006, Vol. 95, No. 29   search   prev   next

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Page One
Commencement 2006
Tilghman to graduates: Carry the spirit of Princeton
Operating budget benefits from strong investment returns

Tuition grant increased for children
Princeton to disassociate from Darfur investments
New landscape marks 250th anniversary of Maclean House
University staff picnic

Faculty news
Four faculty members recognized for outstanding teaching
Fourteen new faculty members appointed
Eight faculty members transfer to emeritus status
Seven selected for endowed chairs
Promotions, resignations

Research and teaching
Princeton awarded $2.2 million for biology education
Institute fosters partnerships to help region
Tiny transmitters allow researchers to follow flies
Ward unravels bacteria’s role in global nitrogen cycle
Suburbia a rich source of scholarship for Princeton historian
Princeton scientists explore the next frontier of stem cell research

Eight named to University Board of Trustees

Calendar of events
By the numbers



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Tilghman to graduates: Carry the spirit of Princeton

President Tilghman drew upon the wisdom of one of her predecessors for advice for today’s graduates.

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Operating budget benefits from strong investment returns

Strong returns on Princeton’s endowment will allow the University to allocate additional funds toward critical needs in its operating budget.

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Princeton to disassociate from Darfur investments

The University has acted to prevent future investment in companies complicit in genocide in the Darfur region of western Sudan.

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Tuition grant increased for children

The University’s Benefits Committee has reviewed the Children’s Educational Assistance Plan and has increased the amount of the annual tuition grant for the 2006-07 academic year.

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Fourteen new faculty members appointed

The Board of Trustees has approved the appointments of 14 new faculty members — three to full professor, one to associate professor and 10 to assistant professor.

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Seven selected for endowed chairs

Seven faculty members have been named to endowed professorships...

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Eight faculty members transfer to emeritus status

Eight faculty members were transferred to emeritus status in recent action by the Board of Trustees.

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Four faculty members recognized for outstanding teaching

Four Princeton faculty members received President’s Awards for Distinguished Teaching at Commencement ceremonies June 6.

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Eight named to University Board of Trustees

The University has named eight new members of its Board of Trustees.

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Commencement 2006

From Baccalaureate on June 4 through Commencement on June 6, graduates and their families had many opportunities to celebrate their achievements, laugh with their classmates and mark the conclusion of their education at Princeton.

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Tiny transmitters allow researchers to follow flies

On the New Jersey shore, many signs of the changing seasons do not differ greatly from those found elsewhere in the country. V-shaped flocks of geese and twittering masses of songbirds course over the dunes as the migrants head for milder latitudes.

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Ward unravels bacteria’s role in global nitrogen cycle

A rock props open the door to Bess Ward’s office on the second floor of Guyot Hall in Princeton’s Department of Geosciences. It’s a nod to the department’s acclaimed tradition of geophysics, plate tectonics and “hard rock stuff,” as Ward put it, although rocks play only a secondary role in her research.

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Suburbia a rich source of scholarship for Princeton historian

Growing up in the South, Princeton historian Kevin Kruse was fascinated by the civil rights movement. But the villains of the stories he heard — the cross-burning Klansmen and the club-wielding police officers — just didn’t resonate with him.

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Princeton scientists explore the next frontier of stem cell research

Long before “superman” Christopher Reeve’s spinal cord injury and actor Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s disease fueled the public fervor over regenerative therapies, Princeton scientists were making breakthroughs in stem cell research.

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Princeton awarded $2.2 million for biology education

Princeton has been awarded $2.2 million from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to support the University’s efforts to improve education in the biological sciences.

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Institute fosters partnerships to help region

The many challenges facing the tri-state region — meeting the growing demands for mass transit, providing schools that offer what students need in a demanding global economy, balancing the pressure for growth with a concern for the environment — can seem daunting. Policy-makers, legislators and community leaders increasingly have been turning for help to an institute in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

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New landscape marks 250th anniversary of Maclean House

Just in time for the 250th anniversary of its construction, Maclean House has been the focus of some sprucing up. Crews have renovated the landscape and gardens around the house over the past few months, removing some of the overgrown plants that have been there for 50 years and creating new vistas and spaces.

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University staff picnic

Sombreros turned up everywhere on Alexander Beach June 13 for the annual University Staff Picnic, which this year had a “fiesta” theme.

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