
Princeton Weekly Bulletin   June 5, 2006, Vol. 95, No. 28   search   prev   next

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Page One
2006 valedictorian composes impressive record of achievement
Study of past sets salutatorian on course for future
Commencement events scheduled

University steps up sustainability efforts
Tilghman names committee to guide health and well-being
University extends Humanitarian Relief Efforts Policy until June 2007
Rothman helps reveal intricacies of ancient math phenomenon
Program offers grad students a world of opportunities
Carter shapes future breakthroughs, one atom at a time, one student at a time


Nassau Notes
Calendar of events
By the numbers



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2006 valedictorian composes impressive record of achievement

As he began his senior thesis in music composition, Chris Douthitt already had written songs for several years on his own and with his rock band, the Lazy Pheromones, and garnered praise from his professors as a gifted composer, guitarist and singer.

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Study of past sets salutatorian on course for future

From a young age, Dan-el Padilla Peralta viewed the study of ancient civilizations as the foundation of his path to a better future. When Padilla was 8, living with his family in a shelter in New York’s Chinatown, he came across a copy of a guidebook to ancient Athens and Rome.

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Tilghman names committee to guide health and well-being

President Tilghman has appointed a committee to carry forward the work of the Task Force on Health and Well-Being. The Advisory Board to Healthier Princeton met for the first time in May. The 24-member group includes students, faculty, alumni, administrators and outside experts. It is co-chaired by Janet Dickerson, vice president for campus life, and Robert Durkee, vice president and secretary, who also co-chaired the Task Force on Health and Well-Being.

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University extends Humanitarian Relief Efforts Policy until June 2007

The University has extended its Humanitarian Relief Efforts Policy, which provides two weeks of paid leave for employees to volunteer with agencies working in the Gulf Coast, until June 30, 2007.

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University steps up sustainability efforts

Behind the blueprints for the myriad construction projects under way on Princeton’s campus is a new set of stipulations regarding their environmental impact. The guidelines, which advocate for both sustainable building and site design, are part of the University’s continuing effort to consider the ecocultural wake it’s leaving on the area.

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Rothman helps reveal intricacies of ancient math phenomenon

Perhaps it’s not surprising that sudoku — the number puzzles that everyone seems to be working on these days — first became popular in Japan before spreading across the ocean. The fad is reminiscent of a math craze that swept the islands centuries ago, when ardent enthusiasts went so far as to turn the most beautiful geometrical solutions into finely illustrated wooden tablets, called sangaku, that adorned the walls of local temples and shrines.

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Program offers grad students a world of opportunities

Junior year abroad is almost a rite of passage for undergraduates these days. Graduate students in the social sciences at Princeton now have a similar opportunity to expand their educational horizons.

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Carter shapes future breakthroughs, one atom at a time, one student at a time

Emily Carter wrestles with a world so tiny that if you were to hold it in your hand you could not feel it or see it. Yet the type of work she does, as a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, has the potential for large-scale transformations.

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Commencement events scheduled

Several activities for undergraduate and graduate degree candidates and their families are planned for Monday and Tuesday, June 5-6...

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